As Damodara masa comes to an end, so does our eParikrama this year. We wish to thank all you vaisnavas for your heartfelt prayers for Maharaja’s speedy recovery and hope that you received some inspiration out of Maharaja’s daily meditations here on KKSBlog from his previous Parikramas. We also thank you vaisnavas for your enthusiasm and engagement throughout the eParikrama.
2020 has been an unprecedented year, however it did not stop us from meditating on Sri Vrndavana dhama together. We meditated on various places of significance in and around Vrndavana (see below for a recap of the eParikrama) and focused our minds on the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, and Their associates. We especially focused deeply on the meditations of Srimati Radharani, Who shows us that there is no such thing as separation as long as we are one in thought. If we are always thinking of Krsna, then we are always united with Him and with each other.
We hope that we are able to come together in person for Parikrama 2021. Until then, we continue to sincerely pray that Sri Vrndavana dhama manifest in our hearts.
Hare Krsna!