
Echo in Krishna's ear

-Do you hear this sound, Arjuna?

-Which sound? No, I do not hear anything.

            It was long after battle of Kurukshetra. Arjuna and Krishna were sitting together and Krishna opened His heart to His friend. He told that still I hear the crying voice of Draupadi calling My Name: "Hey, Govinda!" This echo is still there in my ear and heart. And every time I keep Myself ready to run to help to her."


            When Draupadi was put before the assembled guests of Hastinapur in not suitable form and cruel hearted Duhshasana wanted to take her sari out she, crying, started to beg for the help. She asked for the help to the most powerful warriors like Bhishmadev, Dronacharya what to say about her own husbands?! For that time, even being an emperor, Dhiratashtra refused to help her. Then loosing her hope for anyone, Draupadi thought she will protect her herself.

            When Duhshasana shamelessly started to pull her sari she tried to catch her sari and stop him. Later she understood that her strength is nothing comparatively to Duhshasana's. She remembered Krishna, that He only can help her. That He is only dearest Friend and real Protector of helpless. Draupadi catching with one hand her sari and another holding up, cried out:

-Hey, Govinda!!! Hey, Govinda!!!

Within last moments, she was in the stage of being disgraced to whole society. What to do? Who will help her?

Realizing that she can not do anything, loosing her hope for her own endeavors she surrendered to the will of Krishna.

Crying loudly, holding both of her hands up, she called:

-Hey, Govinda!!!

Only You can help me!

-Hey, Govinda!!!

Please, beg You, hear me!

-Hey, Govinda!!!

Oh, dearest Friend, my only Shelter! Please, do not neglect me!!!

Of course, Krishna is with us always. Every moment He is waiting us to turn our glance towards Him. He never leaves us alone, because He knows that we are being insignificant may be lost in this huge creation.

We should understand that whatever difficulty we see in our life is only for our benefit. Difficulties are there to give to us a lesson and the understanding that only Krishna can help us.

If we even once call the Name of Krishna with full faith and surrender to Him, He will deliver us. He will take us to His lap. Pure sound of His Holy Names uttered by sincere Devotees with shivering voice will create echo in His ears.


Bhakti Shastra lectures given by His Holiness Bhakti Vigyana Maharaja

(1999-2002 collections).


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