Dreamy Day by Bhaktimarga Swami


Abhi is my stalwart helper. He accompanies me on the morning walks and takes me around to various locations, all places for speaking, chanting, associating, and honouring prasadam, sacred food.

My first visitation took me to the residence of Aravind, a Punjabi Sikh gentleman, kind and caring and involved in business. Members of his family relished the kirtan. One of the women asked me, “Please give us some jñāna (wisdom).”

My short version answer was, “We are gifted humans, so we must be in service to others and also to ourselves, by cultivating our spiritual side.”

Abhi was great to arrange for my final stay for the day, but only after I had an hour with Carolin Bund, a friend for some years. We met at the downtown Millennium Library, the outside park, and she treated me special. As a professional baker, she provided me with bread from ingredients of ancient grains, bread from Ethiopia, Egypt, Turkey, etc. what a treat! We are looking at portions of hearty and nutritious bread that are hard to secure. Thank you, Carolin.

Finally, Abhi and I piled into a vehicle for the final destination of the day at St. Adolph, just a ten-minute drive from Winnipeg’s city limits. and a home situated on the bank of Red River. This is a dreamy setting with trees all about and a fast-running body of water. Loads of people came to the home of Somesh and Puja for kirtan, a talk on 1.1.5 from the Bhagavatam, and an evening meal of love.

Abhi, as usual, tackled my feet with a welcomed massage. Responses from every place I visited were phenomenal.

Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/06/friday-june-17-2022.html

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