Sri Jagadisa Bhatta took his birth in the region of Gaihati. His father’s name was Sri Kamalaksa Bhatta. Both the mother and father of Jagadisa were very devoted Visnu-bhaktas. After his parents passed away he came with his wife to live on the banks of the Ganges. His wife’s name was Dukhini-devi.
After Lord Caitanya conducted a sankirtan festival at the home of Jagadisa Pandita, He planned to go to Nilacala. Duhkhini, however, knowing the Lord’s mind, was very distressed by feelings of impending separation. At that time Mahaprabhu gave her His Deity and said, “I will eternally remain in your house in the form of this Deity.” From that day this Deity of Gaura-Gopala (above shown), is being worshipped there.
In Gaur-ganoddesa-dipika it is revealed that Jagadisa and Hiranya were wives of the Vedic brahmanas in Krsna lila. According to another opinion, “He who was previously known as Candrahasa, a famous dancer in Krsna-lila, is now famous as Jagadisa Pandita, who also takes great pleasure in ecstatic dancing.”
One day, child Gaurahari was crying incessantly. His parents told him, “First tell us what you want. We’ll bring it, but please don’t cry.” He replied, “On this Ekadasi day in Jagadisa and Hiranya’s house are many preparations of Visnu-prasada. If I can eat that then I’ll be alright.” Hearing this impossible request of her son, Saci Mata put her hand on her head and began to lament. Upon hearing the words of the child, the neighbors laughed in amazement. “How is it that such a young child as this is aware that today is Ekadasi?”
Then the ladies told Him, “Bap Nimai, don’t cry anymore, we’ll bring what you have requested.” When the two brahmanas heard of the child’s request they were very pleased. Both of them were very intimate friends of Jagannath Misra and they were well-aware that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Hari had appeared in his house. Therefore, whatever they had prepared for Lord Hari they brought before Sri Gaurahari and told Him, “Bap, Visvambhara! We have brought everything which You requested. Now please eat it in great happiness and don’t cry anymore.” Bhagavana Sri Gaurasundara, along with His friends, then enjoyed that feast. While doing so, He showed His transcendental BalaGopala form to Jagadisa and Hiranya.
Sri Jagadisa Pandita disappearance is on the third day of the bright fortnight in the month of Pausa.