Devotional Service Two finger Principle-Our Endeavour & Krishna`s Mercy

Hare Krishna!!

By the mercy of Sirla Prabupada , my guide my mentor Sh. Giriraji Dasa and all senior Vaishnavs, I strongly desired to share this amazing practical gem from our revealed scriptures with you.

On the auspicious occasion of Kartik thorugh my Spiritual guide Sh. Giriraj Dasji highlighted very important point which I urged strongly to share with all my friends. Well, we all had heard the story of Damodara Lilla in which mother Yashoda tried to tie Krishna with rope but everytime rope is short by two finger. Have we ever imagined what is the significance of this Two Fingers !!! Well this two finger principle is very important for our spiritual growth. This principle show that to progress onto the path of Krishna Conciousness we need two things :-

  1. Our Endeavour or Efforts - Krishna always saw the enthusiasm of his love and he allowed himself to be tied up only by enthusiasm and perseverance to serve, even in the face of all obstacles. Krishna sees that for his pleasure, are we getting discouraged by success or failure, honor or dishonor, pleasure or pain, happiness or distress, health or disease, victory or defeat. Devotional service is ahaituki apratihata; it is unconditional by these things. As long as there is selfishness or arrogance in what we do, then we become very discouraged, because we are not getting our way. But when we are truly doing it for Krishna‘s satisfaction, even though there may be so many impediments in doing Krishna‘s will, then our enthusiasm to persevere for Krishna‘s pleasure with the right intention of the heart, will never wane. – Radhanath Swami


  1. Krishna`s Mercy - Yes, even if we invest our effort, the rope will remain too short. Only when Krishna agrees to give His mercy, He appears in the heart of the devotee and He and the devotee come together.

Now, what does it mean to get Krishna’s mercy? Or to ask it in a better way: When does Krishna feel inclined to give His mercy?

Although Krishna wants to see our effort, effort doesn’t conquer Him. The one thing that reaches His heart is: longing for His mercy. Longing for His mercy so much, that it blends out other desires, other longings and pushes this one project into the center of your attention. ‘I want divine grace, I want an investment from above!’ That’s why in our songbooks you find the great acharyas singing songs of longing, utkantha, sincere hankering after the not yet attained perfection.


This is what will imbue your practice with even more life: longing. And it is this longing which will reach Krishna’s heart and conquer Him.

Yours Servant,

Mohit Jindal

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