
Devotees do not hanker

One should not accept more than he requires for the maintenance of the body.

 The devotee does not hanker to possess more than he requires. Devotees are therefore akincana; in any condition of life a devotee is satisfied. It is said that a devotee is even-minded whether he is in hell or in heaven.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => KB 89: The Superexcellent Power of Krsna

Lord Krsna says, natyasnatas tu yogo 'sti. "Anyone who eats more than necessary, oh, he cannot perform yoga." Na ati asnatas yogo 'sti na ca ekantam anasnatah [Bg. 6.16]. "A person," I mean to say, "willfully trying to keep himself in starvation, he cannot perform yoga. Neither the person who eats more than he requires, he also cannot perform yoga." The eating process should be moderate, only for keeping the body and soul together. Not for enjoyment of the tongue. So that is the real yogic process, that you cannot eat very palatable things. Because as soon as palatable things comes before us, naturally if I take one, I must take two, three, four. You see? So so far yogis are concerned, they cannot take any palatable desirable things. They have to simply take only the necessities.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 6.11-21  -- New York, September 7, 1966
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