By Parasuram das
Murari Krishna Prabhu: “My wife , daughter and myself were getting ready for bed when we suddenly heard the sounds of explosions. We ran into the corridor of our apartment, away from the windows, my daughter managed to take the Deities and after 30 seconds we saw a bright glow that looked like a wave of a nuclear bomb. the light was so bright that it just blinded us and turned the night into day. The daughter and wife began to loudly call Krishna as we were sure that it was a nuclear explosion and we were finished. The blast wave is so powerful that it knocked us down and shattered the windows “For a while we did not understand what was happening. A few minutes later, my whole family and I ran to the bomb shelter, where we stayed until the morning, later we decided to return home. As we walked home, rockets whistled over our heads and we heard explosions.”
Tusta Krishna Prabhu: “In the video, you can see the semblance of a nuclear mushroom. All the inhabitants of this region are very frightened. At the moment, air measurements are normal and the radiation background is normal. But the destruction from the blast wave is terrifying. More than 80 private houses and more than 20 high-rise buildings were damaged. All these people were left without electricity, some without water supply. A woman and child lost their lives.
The local temple was slightly damaged, as were the houses of the devotees. Our team was at the scene of the tragedy just a few hours after the explosion. All these people were very scared and it was clear that our team lifted the spirits and gave them confidence in the future.
I helped one of the policemen carry the engine from an aircraft cruise missile, while the rest of the policemen ate the prasadam that we brought. They had not eaten anything for more than 12 hours at that time due to heavy workload. For me, this trip was difficult emotionally, since we did not fully know about the state of the background radiation. But at some point I just focused on the service and calmed my mind. This is the city where I grew up, where my parents live, by Krishna’s mercy my parents narrowly escaped the explosion, they are lucky to be alive.”