Some of the greatest problems are problrms that we have to deal with inside ourselves. They involve raising our own consciousness. If I allow you to excessively bother me mentally, it means that my own consciousness is low; otherwise, your action or words could not distrub my mind. Whatever your position may be, if you bother me, it is because I stand on insecure ground. We must avoid a mood of always seeing others as the full problem. We must avoid letting people’s nonsense turn us into nonsense. If we fall prey to weakness, it is because we do not have sufficient strength.If we have determination, we can make a difference by raising better families, addressing our own situations, and looking at our own consciousness. The mind can be the greatest enemy of any person, but a mind harnessed for higher achievements and for knowledge of spiritual truths cannot be held down.B.T.SwamiONE MUST DELIVER HIMSELF WITH THE HELPOF HIS MIND, AND NOT DEGRADE HIMSELF.THE MIND IS THE FRIEND OF THE CONDITIONED SOUL,AND HIS ENEMY AS WELL.Bhagavad-gita 6.5