
May 6, 2024 – As condolences and appreciations pour in from political and religious leaders around the world and ISKCON temples host events in remembrance of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami, details have been released of his final Darshan and Samadhi Ceremony in Vrindavan.

The darshan of Gopal Krishna Goswami at ISKCON Delhi’s Auditorium will conclude at 4am today (May 6th) and his body will then depart for Vrindavan, arriving later in the morning. 

SCHEDULE (all times are IST)

09:00 AM – Arrival of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami’s body at Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir.

10:00 AM – Procession to Krishna Balaram Hall (ISKCON Goshala).

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM – Darshan of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami

3:00 PM – Samadhi Ceremony begins.

All the programs will be broadcast live on ISKCON Vrindaban’s Facebook and YouTube channels. Details may need to be adjusted, so please follow ISKCON Vrindavan’s social media for any possible changes. A Prasadam Feast will be available at Krishna Balaram Hall beginning at 3pm.

UPDATE 5/6/24: Video available here

Source: https://iskconnews.org/details-of-vrindavan-darshan-and-samadhi-ceremony-for-hh-gopal-krishna-goswami-released/

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