
Dealing with problems

Most people assume that the only way to solve problems is to work on, or struggle, with them. I have found, however, that focusing on problems is one of the key ways of keeping them alive – as well as preventing you from moving past them. Focusing on problem is also a key ingredient keeping people stuck in worry.

I can assure you that there is a way to get from where you are to where you want to be without focusing on problems. It’s natural, virtually effortless, yet far more effective alternative to the usual “roll up your sleeves and solve this problem” manner of dealing with issues.

Recently I knelt down to clean up some glass and a piece got stuck in my knee. I ended up at the urgent care center getting ten stitches. We all know that the worst thing I could possibly do to the healing process would be to poke or pick at my scab. A wiser method is to treat the wound gently, creating the best possible healing environment. Miraculously, the wound will heal all by itself.

Most problems can and should be dealt with in a similar manner. The thoughts we have around our various issues create and trigger emotional reactions. What usually happens is that we spend our time and energy dealing with these reactions instead of the actual issue. Simply put, when we are frightened, angry, or impatient, we lose our bearings and get in our own way. Instead of bringing out the best in ourselves and others, we bring out negativity and squeeze out creativity.
Srila Prabhupada's Quote

Humbleness is the sign of progress in Krishna Consciousness. 
A Krishna Consciousness person thinks always about himself as the lowest creature in the world,
 and the more one thinks like that he becomes elevated more and more. 
A Krishna Conscious person is never falsely puffed-up; 
he is satisfied with his humble position 
as the servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna.

- Letter to:  Krishna dasa, Allston, June 1, 1968
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