Shyama Rasika Devi Dasi, a Washington, DC devotee, has dovetailed her passion for prasada into cultivating meaningful relationships with several area organizations that serve seniors.
With the support of her husband Nikunj Ras and encouragement from her spiritual master HH Radhanath Swami and friends like Rukmini Devi Dasi, who played a significant role in inspiring her to use her cooking skills in the service of Krsna and promote prasadam distribution, Shyama Rasika recently established a small food catering business called, “Mumbai Junction.” Through word-of-mouth, the business quickly gained popularity and grew in a very short time. Every item on the menu and each order is offered to their deities: Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra, before being picked up by customers. Additionally, she includes one of Srila Prabhupada’s small books as a gift to customers with each order.
As her business flourished, Shyama Rasika was introduced to a managing committee member of Senior Connection of Montgomery County (SCMC), an organization dedicated to providing programs and services that enhance the independence, mobility, and quality of life for senior citizens in the area. SCMC is partially funded by Montgomery County, Maryland, and organizes various trips and events for senior citizens, including food arrangements and transportation.
“One day, a regular customer who was also an SCMC board member placed a large order with me for one of the SCMC trips, which typically involved up to 26 attendees,” Shyama Rasika remembered, “My husband and I volunteered to help with the trip, mainly managing the crowd and logistics. The attendees enjoyed the prasadam so much that they gave positive feedback and requested SCMC to place regular orders with her and support her small business. Now she is the primary food vendor for SCMC’s weekly Saturday trips, providing breakfast prasadam.
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