Please Note: The term ‘scientists’ mentioned in this article refers to those atheistic, materialistic scientists, who wish to disprove the existence of God and/ or ignore the role of God in the events occurring in this Universe. These do not include scientists like Professor Michael Cremo, who seek God through their work and prove His presence through it.

For decades now, scientists have creating men out of monkeys, by incessantly harping on about the evolution theory. This, despite the fact that as yet, there is NO conclusive evidence to support this theory. Well, all was fine until further progress in archaeological studies began unearthing evidence that have shaken the very foundation of the Evolution theory. Finally it has dawned upon Evolutionists (though they would not like to admit it!) that brother Darwin has come to full circle, and indeed made monkeys out of them.But that’s a different story and entertaining as it may be, we shall dwell upon it some other day. Today, I wish to take you further back in time, to what is the currently ‘accepted and proven’ explanation of the origin of Life on Earth itself.It is taught and enforced in schools and colleges, that at the beginning, there existed a mix of chemicals (a ‘primordial soup’), which randomly came together, under randomly generated environmental conditions, and from that was randomly, spontaneously generated, the first unicellular living organism. Yay…happy birthday!And then equally randomly, pigs began to fly.Sarcastic? Me? Maybe…but read on and you’ll know why…Inside each cell of a living organism, there is a unique chemical structure called the DNA that has special areas on it called genes. These genes contain information or ‘codes’ which are genetic instructions for the development and functioning of all known living organisms.Now understand that the DNA is so complex a structure, that despite the resources at their disposal, scientists have not been able to de-code 95% of the genes, their functions are still not understood. And the mechanism by which this DNA replicates, and creates chemicals that coordinate the growth and functioning of a living organism is simply mind-blowing!And we are expected to believe that an entity as complex as the DNA came about by chance. Would you call it possible?OF COURSE YOU MORONS, BELIEVE IT, BECAUSE WE SCIENTISTS SAY SO! HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE US??!Err…excuse me…but I beg to ask only two stupid questions…One, the DNA molecule is synthesised with the help of a number of enzymes like DNA polymerase etc, without which it would be impossible to create a DNA molecule. But then again, these enzymes can only be synthesised in turn, by fully functional DNA molecules.Then pray, which came first, the chicken or the egg? And how?And if as per the ‘RNA World Hypothesis’, it is argued that the initial organisms used only RNA (a similar, more stable molecule) owing to its capability to replicate and act like an enzyme by virtue of being incorporated in ribozymes (RNA molecules that can catalyze reactions), the question just shifts to:Where did the RNA come from?Second, consider the mathematical odds of a single cell organism spontaneously generating from a pool of amino acids.Sir Frederick Boyle, the British astronomer, calculated that the odds of the spontaneous generation of just the proteins of a single amoeba, i.e. not even complex structures like its cell wall, DNA, RNA etc, is one in 10 raised to the 40,000th power i.e. 1 in 1040,000.In his words, it would be the same as expecting a tornado to sweep through a junk yard and assembling a Boeing 747 aircraft from the contents therein! This single experiment was enough to convert Sir Frederick overnight, from an Evolutionist to a Creationist (those believing in the Creation theory).Harold Morowitz, a physicist from Yale University pegs the odds of spontaneous generation of life as even lesser than that. He calculated that in a broth that already contains the building blocks of a cell, the odds of a single bacterium forming by chance are 1 in 10100,000,000,000!Unfortunately for scientists, Borel’s Law states, anything that exceeds the mathematical probability of 1 in 1050 is considered to be soundly impossible.Now unless all those scientists backing the above ‘primordial soup’ theory are avatars of Napoleon Bonaparte, and don’t consider the word ‘impossible’ to exist in their dictionaries, isn’t the primordial soup theory, to put it mildly, pure hogwash?There may be people who may argue and counter-argue on the finer points of the above. But beyond mathematical calculations, it takes only common sense to realize that it is plainly impossible for a extraordinary molecule such as the DNA (or RNA) to just form on its own, and much less, develop into the astounding plethora of living organisms that exist on Earth today.In many of the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the lead character Sherlock Holmes declares that, ‘When you have disproved all the possible explanations for a given event, what explanation remains, however impossible to believe, is the factual truth.’But most of the above scientists probably do not read stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, or don’t believe Mr Sherlock Holmes. So rather than accept the simple explanation that that God created everything, they find newer and newer stories to explain the origin of life.And in the process, entertain us…So with the grave danger of the Primordial Soup theory being trashed slowly looming on the horizon, scientists have come up with yet another theory, this time stretching the limits of our imagination!Brace yourself ladies and gentlemen, for you are about to discover that…here it comes…WE ARE ALL ALIENS!!No. Not the kind of people that stay in the USA without a citizenship or green card or whatever. I mean…Real, down to earth, sorry, out of earth, ALIENS! Like from outer space!My 6 year old daughter will be thrilled to hear this! She had always wanted to meet an alien. And now she’ll be happy to know that she herself is one! Yay!Jokes apart, scientists are all set to convince us that we are all descendents of life forms that originated from other planets, which landed on an uninhabited Earth long ago, and evolved into what we are today.The ‘Directed Panspermia’ theory states that bacteria-like life forms/DNA fragments came to Earth via meteors and asteroids, which created/evolved into different types of living beings.Other more romantic theories propose that aliens (Annunaki) from the planet Nibiru (Planet X near Pluto) came and settled down on Earth and created man as we know today.Frankly, I like the latter theory, the names involved are cuter!The former explanation (Directed Panspermia) does one great thing for scientists.Scientists today are troubled by the problem of explaining the origin of life, because those nasty Creationists are always using the scientists’ own techniques to disprove their existing theories.Directed Panspermia takes this problem out of their plate, and throws it into outer space. And outer space is a realm about which very little is known. Furthermore, it is difficult to study at the present time, with the existing scientific methods. To disprove this theory, Creationists will have to wait until more advanced techniques are discovered for studying outer space. Only then will they be able to disprove the theory with those techniques.Yes. If you’ve noticed this sad fact, Evolutionists’ theories about the origin of Life are always taken to be true by default, and the onus is upon the Creationists to disprove every such nonsensical theory of theirs. And even then, their small voice is lost in the cacophony of the power-broker scientists who call the shots, the ones who decide what is fact and otherwise.And thus the buck is been passed, from the Earth, to outer space. The scientists will soon be able to quietly breathe a sigh of relief, and in the same breath, exhort the masses to believe that all living beings originated from Aliens. If asked about the origin of those alien life forms, our esteemed scientists can always shrug their shoulders and say ‘Well, we do not know much about the physical and chemical phenomena that take place on other planets and stars, but there is most definitely a non-Creator explanation for the origin of those life forms. We will certainly come up with an answer and let you know soon…like in a few hundred centuries from now.’And life goes on as usual, with us being fed with newer, more fantastic explanations from the scientific world about the origin of Life.With each theory seeking, as always, to remove the possibility of God as a Creator of Life, and instead, trying to reduce the mind-boggling phenomenon of Life to a bunch of chemical reactions.Well, as with any other non-Creator theory of the origin of Life, I had a hearty laugh when I read about the above ‘alien invasion’ theories.But I was also struck by a few serious thoughts.What is both saddening and puzzling, is the scientists’ inordinate denial of even the possibility of God as a Creator. Ironically, most scientific experiments start with a presupposed hypothesis, and the experiments then seek to verify, either as a part of the experiment or as its goal, whether the hypothesis was true or false. Then why has not even one scientist sought to consider even a hypothesis that God exists and is the Creator of everything, and then attempted to prove or disprove the same, using any form of resources (material or spiritual) available to him?The truth is that such research has been done, time and again in the past, and is still being done today. By Spiritual Scientists. These great professors may not have a string of academic qualifications next to their name, or may not be on the faculty of Ivy League Universities.But through the guidance of their spiritual Guru and spiritual efforts (sadhana), they have gained knowledge about everything that is to be known.On the other hand, material scientists consistently ignore and bypass the explanations given in the Vedas, about this Universe. Almost all scientific research today quintessentially begins with the exclusion of God and His role. Scientists today are almost terrified to include the presence of God in their research, almost as if the very idea would spell doom for their research and learning.I often wish that at least for once, these scientists should cast their pride aside, seek the shelter of God, and with His help and the timeless information given in the Vedas, endeavour to learn about the cosmos. I am willing to wager that they will learn far more (with much less expense) than what they are achieving today.And finally, I have to concede that we are actually Aliens.The Webster’s Dictionary defines the word ‘Alien’ as ‘1. Belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing and 2. Differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility.’How true.We don’t belong to this material world. We belong with Krishna, serving Him, in Vaikuntha Dham. Our true Nature: Sat-Chit-Ananda viz. Eternal, Knowledge-full and Blissful, completely differs from our existing materially contaminated nature. Our present existence itself is incompatible and out of character with our true Nature.Then, aren’t we all aliens?Ah! When shall we all (and especially I!) realize this truth and focus on our journey back home, back to the planet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?