Confusion About Raga-bhakti

Confusion About Raga-bhakti

By Kesava Krsna Dasa

When devotees are confronted with subjects concerning Raganuga-bhakti, many will retreat as if the matter is taboo, beyond explanation, too lofty, mired in controversy, against ISKCON thinking, an unknown quantity, a misunderstood area of thought, and other reasons. Why is this? There seems to be a universal acceptance that things ‘raganuga’ are best kept at a safe distance away, even though spontaneous devotion is more pleasing to Krishna than vaidhi-bhakti:

“[Lord Krishna thought:] “All the universe is filled with the conception of My majesty, but love weakened by that sense of majesty does not satisfy Me”. (CC Adi-lila 4.17)

Some devotees will say, “Srila Prabhupada seldom spoke about raganuga-bhakti, and did not use the term often, either…” This might be because Srila Prabhupada replaced the word raganuga with “spontaneous” instead. Throughout his writings, he used this word often. Other devotees will caution strongly with sour memories of ‘Gopi-bhava’ clubs and other influences besetting ISKCON. Somehow, ISKCON is an eligibility boat of liberation for all, and we can try to make the most of it with cultivation beyond liberation:

“O my Lord! O infallible Supreme Person! When a person wandering throughout the universes becomes eligible for liberation from material existence, he gets an opportunity to associate with devotees. When he associates with devotees, his attraction for You is awakened. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead — the highest goal of the topmost devotees, and the Lord of the universe”. (SB 10.51.53)

Is this article a plea to get everyone suddenly interested in raga-bhakti and for ISKCON to let down it’s guard a bit? No. It can be something to make aware the prevailing ignorance of this subject, and reluctance to properly inform devotees about it in mature ways. Just like, if the GBC were to ban a particular book because it is deemed too high, we know everyone will go out and read it, and raganuga-bhakti, if left off the every day-topic list, will drive devotees to find out about it anyway.

The sources of raganuga information can vary from reading or hearing from outside of ISKCON, to seeking answers from individuals who have no clue what it is. What could be, or has been a result of this? It is confusion and misunderstanding. The way we associate can determine how correct information is given:

“The root cause of devotional service to Lord Krishna is association with advanced devotees. Even when one’s dormant love for Krishna awakens, association with devotees is still most essential”. (CC Madhya-lila 22.83)

Presently, there is a discussion on the Dandavats website about raganuga-bhakti and when one’s svarupa-siddhi is revealed. What is striking about this discussion, is how Prabhupada disciples have quite contrary views between themselves about it. If younger devotees see these differences, it must cause confusion and misunderstanding for them. Devotees will wonder, “What is raganuga-bhakti?…When does the desire for spontaneity begin?…What is lobha (greed) and when does that begin?…At what level does raga-bhakti begin?” If Prabhupada disciples differ on this, who do they consult? Such association has to be like a treasure:

“O devotees! O you who are free from all sins! Let me inquire from you about that which is supremely auspicious for all living entities. Association with a pure devotee for even half a moment in this material world is the greatest treasure for human society.” (SB 11.2.30)

These are important questions. Without proper answers, devotees will be unable to answer such questions themselves, or to not know how it might affects their own spiritual lives, eventually. Confusion and misunderstanding is the result. Raga-marga is away, as if it is a problem. Raga-bhakti is not a problem – we make it a problem, and it is our problem. Raga-marga is a most natural occurrence:

“Whenever an experienced person develops real knowledge of Krishna and His transcendental qualities, he naturally gives up all other engagements and renders service to the Lord. Uddhava gives evidence concerning this”. (CC Madhya 22.97)

Are we being over-cautious about keeping spontaneity at bay? Are we not qualified to discuss it? Are we afraid that a resurgence of Gopi-bhava like deviations will surface? As with anything that might be of value, but seemingly forbidden for use, the interest for that thing goes underground. Underground inquisitiveness and answer seeking can create further problems.

Another observation related to spontaneity of devotion at a distance, is noticing how devotees become circumspect on what they speak. We know that we have to be reminded that we are not our bodies, but after almost fifty years of ISKCON existence, the same basics are repeated. Most audiences need these doses, but for those who have been around for decades, even some veterans are reluctant to venture in ‘forbidden’ areas of talk. A mood of ‘prohibition’ can affect devotee relations.

If we appreciate what Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has come to give, there is nothing wrong with raganuga-bhakti, at all. It is how we handle the subject with maturity. Confidence will make it a part of our natural spiritual development. Raga-bhakti is still within the category of sadhana-bhakti, so it is not as high as a danger we perceive. We put it in that danger league by neglecting to educate about it. Raganuga-bhakti is dangerous in ignorant hands.

Uncertainty around raga-bhakti can cause suspicion on what books devotees read. Our sense of uniform groupism can interfere with what is an individual improvement – we are all different, under the unity of cooperation. What is vaidhi for some cannot be vaidhi for all, internally. Externally, we all practice and teach by example on the level of vaidhi-sadhana-bhakti.

Internal development of raga-bhakti is such that no one else will know if one is practicing spontaneous devotion. It is not something to publicise. It is a coveted position of good fortune. Though there is a hidden dimension, it is still worth it for general devotees to understand it, with respect:

“Thus devotional service which consists of raga [deep attachment] is called ragatmika, spontaneous loving service. If a devotee covets such a position, he is considered to be most fortunate”. (CC Madhya 22.152)

Because Srila Prabhupada warned about possible deviations mainly with immature devotees, why should the same apply to devotees who are supposed to be mature with decades of service behind them? Since any practice of raga-bhakti is private, there should be no overt or undue influence exerted into ‘mainstream’ ISKCON activities. If no one knows, and no problems are reported, then it is being handled with care and maturity. If problems do arise with sensationalism, then we can understand that neophytes are mishandling affairs:

“In the beginning one has to render service strictly according to the regulative principles set forth by the revealed scriptures and spiritual master. By continuously rendering service through the process of vaidhī bhakti, one’s natural inclination is gradually awakened. That is called spontaneous attraction, or rāgānugā bhakti”. (CC Madhya-lila 22.153 purport)

As ISKCON moves forward in time, there will be parallel types of sadhana-bhakti practiced – vaidhi and raga, side by side – it is unavoidable. It must be happening today even. Do we think that Srila Prabhupada wants us all to remain as internal vaidhi-practitioners forever? No. He simply wants us to be careful about it. If being careful is to be cautious to the point of polite prohibition, another danger of ignorance will arise due to neglect of it. In reality, there is no official prohibition – it appears that way when we do not know how to manage something that cannot be managed.

Not managing something that cannot be managed? It means that we cannot check the natural, internal spiritual development of devotees. This internal dimension will not present problems for management, because externally, everyone cooperates. The carefulness that Srila Prabhupada urged does not mean ‘prohibiting’ raga development. With great care and proper information, things will continue in ISKCON as if nothing major has happened.

Ys Kesava Krsna Dasa.

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