Aham Brahmasmi – I am not this body. It’s such a simple truth. Understanding this fully is not so simple.
Eternal truths don’t change. Truth is truth. Facts are facts. We humans, on the other hand, tend to relativize almost everything!
The dynamics of creation are exquisite in their synergy of purpose. Finding the path to freedom and salvation and remaining on that path may sound simple, but we know differently from firsthand experience.
So, how is it that such a sublimely simple statement like “I am not this body” is so difficult to realize fully?
For the Bhakta (devotee of the Lord in any bonafide faith path), realizing we are not this body is a foundational step on the journey towards love of God. Knowing some of the challenges may be helpful. One way to think of all transcendental knowledge is like signposts in a large national park. There are all kinds of sights and paths to get to each, some easy to traverse and some much more challenging! The goal is lofty for each soul on the path of self-discovery. The few challenges we are sharing here are just to get each of us started with our own list of possible impediments:
MATERIAL PULLINGS: Our subtle material bodies, namely mind, intelligence, and false ego, primarily guide the actions of our material body (besides basic bodily functions). As the famous painting in the Bhagavad-gita teaches, the five horses pulling the chariot represent the five senses. The reins are the mind. The driver is the intelligence. The chariot is the body. And the passenger is the soul.
Read More https://iskconnews.org/coming-of-age-24-remembering-the-basics/