What sets a human being apart from an animal? Animals walk around, sleep, eat, reproduce and excrete, just like human beings. But, what is it that differentiates the human being from any other species existing on this planet?
Intelligence. Yes, intelligence is the deciding factor. Animals and other species of life have intelligence, too, but in their case it is not so well developed. In the human order of life, the intelligence is most ripe and developed.
Intelligence doesn’t merely refer to one’s IQ levels, even though that may be a parameter, commonly used to evaluate the efficiency of one’s intelligence. There is more to intelligence than just IQ levels. This intelligence doesn’t refer to the surface, material level intelligence we use to get through situations. The actually essence of intelligence lies deep within, on the spiritual and eternal level. This intelligence is realising our actual constitutional position and relationship with the Supreme, Kṛṣṇa.
The Human form of life is extremely rare to get, as there are 84,00,000 species existing on this planet, which is in turn, a very insignificant particle of the cosmic creation. The soul is assigned a new body, in accordance to its past fruitive activities and Kṛṣṇa’s mercy. Hence, the chances of attaining a human body are fractionally low.
People who are intelligent understand the purpose of life- to realise their relationship with the Supreme, serve him and go back to Godhead. More than we are eager to go back to Kṛṣṇa’s abode, he awaits us, for all the souls are his eternal children. Being merciful on a few souls, that he is extremely eager to reunite with, he gives them this human form of life and intelligence. Being the merciful lord he is, he showers more mercy on them, giving them the gift of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, the best of consciousnesses.
So, if you are reading this blog, it is due to his mercy. He is eager to meet you, use this opportunity, this human birth, this intelligence, this Kṛṣṇa Consciousness to break out of this cycle of birth and death and to eternally rest at his lotus feet. This is possible only by constantly remembering him, rendering service unto his lotus feet and chanting his holy name. Intelligent people shall not waste this opportunity.