Essential Items
Always bathe after:
o Passing Stool
o Shaving
o Having sex
o Going to a crematorium
o Cutting your nails or hair
o Rising in the morning
o Cleaning your teeth
Always wash your hands before:
o Taking prasäda
o Touching the deities or the altar
Always wash your hands after touching:
o Eating prasäda or drinking water
o The inside of the mouth, nose or ears
o Touching a broom or dust-pan and brush
o Toilet & toilet brush
o Unclean items
Always perform äcamana before doing deity worship (this includes touching the deities or anything on the altar
Do not place your foodstuffs on your lap to eat.
After one takes prasädam the area where the plate was kept must be cleared. One should not step over the area where prasädam was taken, because it is considered contaminated. (I have noticed in many temples that after we take prasäda, which is usually on the floor, we just step all over. Then without even washing our feet we enter into the temple room. So one should be careful about that. The place where we take prasädam becomes contaminated. And if you step on that spot, then you must wash your feet. The place where the prasädam has been taken, must be cleaned right after the prasädam has been taken. Because the temple must be very clean, we should be careful that we do not unnecessarily contaminate the temple.
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