The Cherry Blossom Festival is a big draw at High Park. Apart from tree beauty and the great weather, it being the weekend and Mother’s Day remembrance tomorrow, all this stacked up to bring the crowds. We kirtan fans took advantage of the situation and, like in 2021, plopped ourselves on the grass near the park’s entrance to deliver the goods; mantra power.
Power there is in this ancient practice. Ajamila and Vrkodhara alternated with leading the chant, and in-between I spoke a few words to the converged onlookers about the positive benefits of this form of happy meditation. People mostly observed, but some knew the mantra and sang with us, while others danced.
We were a sensation, and when I say “we” I also mean the spectators. Like cherry blossoms, there was something mighty gorgeous about all who surrounded us in surprise. Part of my speech to the crowd was that 20% of Canadians now encounter stress and depression; a rather high rate. In developing countries where there is poverty, there is often a higher morale; a greater state of happiness. That’s interesting.
In any event, we reached out to a lot of people and sent them moments of joy. It is our intent to make High Park a regular spot for Saturday happiness. All are welcome. You can contact me for details: 647-530-4273.