In this age of Kali, the only way is the chanting of the Holy Names of Hari,and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna Himself appeared as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and instructed everyone to chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. So please chant this with all your heart.
Please understand that this Holy Name is not just a combination of some letters and syllables as it appears to the material eye and ear. But it is Krishna Himself. Just as the deity is Krishna Himself, Srimad Bhagavatam is Krishna Himself, Govardhana is Krishna Himself, and the Holy Name is Krishna Himself. So the Holy Name can feel, can think, can be happy, can be sad, can reciprocate. So when we chant inattentively, it is same as if I call you to my home and then neglect you, not even offer you a seat or some water. It is even worse.
But the main obstacle in our chanting is our unstable mind, which is so restless, and keeps jumping more and more as much as we try to focus it. So, there are many ways to focus it. I shall tell you somewhat come to my mind at the moment.
1) Please understand that we can never control our mind. So before chanting we should take shelter of those who can do it for us. So chant Prabhupada pranam mantra, Panca Tattva mantra, and then Hare Krishna Mahamantra.
2) It is good to chant in front of Tulasi Devi, remember that it is not just a plant, but it is Srimati Vrinda Devi, the presiding deity of Sri Vrindavan dham, who can give us entry there.
3) Know that Holy Name is a person. While chanting, you are not just fulfilling your duty, but you are directly interacting, and face to face dealing with Krishna.
4) Just concentrate on one full mantra. Do not think of all 16 rounds. Just say to your mind when it disturbs, I AM FIRST GOING TO CHANT ONE MANTRA, AND THAT TO THE ONE I AM CHANTING NOW. JUST ONE MANTRA. Concentrate the mantra you are chanting at the moment, and focus all your energy on the single mantra.
5) Still it is very difficult to control mind. So be very careful at every moment. Because what we do in moments determine our destiny for years. So plan your day, and your life in such a way that it does not get complicated. Do not entangle yourself in too many complexities of material nature. Plan a good realistic life, but do not over endeavour for material goals which require all your energy, all your peace of mind, all your health, and all your spirituality.
But at the same time, do not become lazy and negligent.
6) Read Srila Prabhupada books. And associate with devotees on a regular basis. And hear lectures regularly.
I hope this will help you.
Thank you very much,