As long as we are in the material world our mind will be showing alternatives for us to have sense gratification. To engage in un-deviated and un-motivated devotional service, we should be capable of saying no to these material impulses.At the initial stages of devotional service, we may say no to these impulses externally. But to say no these impulses whole heartedly, our desires has to be nullified or changed or in other words change of heart is required.By regular attendance in classes on the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact (Naistiki-Bhakti).(SriMad Bhag 1.2.18).
The remedy for eliminating all in auspicious things with in the heart is the association of Bhagavatas. There are two types of Bhagavatas, namely the book Bhagavata and the devotee Bhagavata. The devotee Bhagavata is a direct representative of Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead. So by pleasing the devotee Bhagavata one can receive the benefit of the book Bhagavata. Human reasoning fails to understand how by serving the devotee Bhagavata or the book Bhagavata one gets gradual promotion on the path of devotion.As soon as Naistiki-Bhakti or irrevocable/fixed loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature's modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering, disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness, and he becomes completely happy.According to Vishvanatha Cakravarthi Thakura's Bhagvatam commentary, the goodness wherein the devotee is eastablished due to immovable loving devotional service (Naistiki-Bhakti) is not material sattva Guna, rather it is Suddha-Satva.Sources: 1) Srimad Bhagavatham (Translation and commentary by Srila Prabhupad)2) Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu (Translation by H.H.Bhanu Swami Maharaj)Hare Krishna.
it should be "The remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things with in the heart..."
Thanks Prabhu,
Hare Krishna