The origin of Lord Chaitanya's name is mentioned in CBh. 2.28.179,181: "You aroused everyone's spiritual consciousness (Chaitanya) and inspired the entire world to chant the Holy Name of Krishna, thus Your are called Sri Krishna Chaitanya."
According to the Tantra tradition, the term 'krishnavarna' mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam refers to Krishna Chaitanya. Ramabhadra Vaishnavacharya Goswami has said, "yasya namadyavayave sah krishnacaitanyah"; just as Satya refers to Satyabhama, and Bhima refers to Bhimasena, similarly the term Krishnavarna indicates Krishna Chaitanya (In this connection refer to the tika of the sloka 'sriya savarnena…'Bhagavatam 3.3.3).
Some argue that the name "Gauranga" was uttered by Keshava Bharati at the time of Lord Gauranga's sannyasa initiation, thus the name 'Gaura' (referring to Him as a resident of Navadwipa) should be considered His foremost name. However this is not rationally tenable when considered from a theological viewpoint. Simply by looking at the titles of the major biographies of the Lord's life (i.e. Chaitanya Bhagavata, CC, Chaitanyamangala, etc.) it is evident that Sri Krishna Chaitanya was His foremost name.
Although Lochana Thakura, the preacher of Gauraparatamyavada, dealt with the nama-guna-lila etc. of Gaura in his composition Dhamali, nevertheless the biography he wrote was entitled Sri Chaitanyamangala.
Prabodhananda Sarasvati writes about the dhyana of Gauranagaravana in his Sri Chaitanya chandramrta (132). In one continuous lila numerous names of the Lord have been mentioned, yet the most frequently used name is Chaitanya. Thus we can conclude without any doubt that Chaitanya was the foremost name.
For details see the following biographies of Lord Chaitanya:
1. Chaitanya Bhagavata
2. Chaitanya Charitamrta
3. Chaitanyamangala
4. Chaitanyacharitamahakavya
5. Chaitanyachandrodaya
6. Murari Gupta's Kadacha
7. Gaurakrishnodaya
The Gauramantra is mentioned in the following works:
1. Urdhvamnayatantra 3.14-16 (manuscript from the collection of the Madras Oriental Mss. Library)
2. Isanasamhita
3. Paddhati written by Dhyanacandra Goswami 54-55
4. Sri Chaitanyachandrodaya 9
5. Advaitaprakasa 10 and 12
6. CC. 3.2.31
7. Gaurakrsnodaya-mahakavya of 1680 Saka; sloka 18.22-34.
8. Gaudiya Vaisnava Abhidhana Vol. 1, p.250
9. Caitanya Bhagavata 1.1.3, 12.10.59-60.
10.Tika of Chaitanyachandramrta (31) by Anandi
The following are the astakas (eight lined hymns) composed in praise of Lord Chaitanya:
Astaka by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya;
Sacisutastaka by Narahari Sarkara; Caitanyastaka by Rupa Goswami;
Gaurasudhakaracitrastaka by Prabodhananda; Sacisunvastaka by Dasa Goswami.
Caitanyastakam (1), by Rupa Goswami;
Caitanyastakam (2), by Rupa Goswami;
Caitanyastakam (3), by Rupa Goswami;
Gaurangastakam, by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya;
Gaura-Gadadhara-yugalastakam, by Acyutananda Goswami (son of Advaitacarya);
Maha-prabhor-astakam, by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura;
Sacinandanastakam, by Narahari-sarakara Thakura;
Sacinandana-vijayastakam, by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura;
Sacisunvastakam, by Raghunatha-dasa Goswami; (probably same as "Dasa Goswami")
Sacisutastakam, anonymous;
Sacitanayastakam, anonymous;
Astottarasatanama by Sarvabhauma; Namadvadasaka; Namavimsatistotra by Sarvabhauma.
Sahasraka: one each by Narahari Sarkara, Kavikarnapura, and Rupa Goswami. Sri-gauranga-sahasra-nama-stotra, from Moksarnava-tantra, Siva to Gauri; Sri-krishna-caitanya-candrasya sahasra-nama-stotra, by Sri-Caitanya-dasa Ciranjivi-sarvadhikari
Stava: Navadvipacandrastavaraja by Raghunandana Thakura; Praty-anaga-varnanakhya-stavaraja by Advaita Prabhu; Gaurangastavakalpataru by Raghunatha Dasa Goswami.
Sataka: Caitanyasataka by Sarvabhauma; Gaurasataka by Ratikanta Thakura.
Astakaliya sutra: Bhavadhyalila by Rupa Goswami; Paddhati 72-77 by Dhyanacandra Goswami; Smaranamangala by Visvanatha Cakravarti; and the Bengali work Gauracaritcintamani by Narahari Cakravarti.
Rupa Goswami: sriman-maha-prabhor asta-kaliya-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram;
Visvanatha C: sriman-maha-prabhor asta-kaliya-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram;
Sri-Gaura-premollasa-stotram, by Nanda-kisora Goswami;
Sri-Gauranga-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram, by Bhaktivinoda Thakura;
Gauranga-stotram, by Sri Bhakti-desika Maharaja;
Gauranga-virudavali, by Raghunandana Goswami;
Gaura-prema-stava-raja, by Ramaraya Goswami;
Godruma-candra-bhajanopadesa, by Bhaktivinoda Thakura;
Books on Lord Chaitanya:
In Bengali:
1. Sri Gaurasundara by Shyamalal Goswami
2. Amiya-Nimai-Carita by Sisir Kumar Ghosh
3. Caitanyadeva by Sundarananda Vidyavinoda
In Oriya:
1. Caitanyabhagavata of Isvara dasa
2. Caitanyavilasa of Madhava
In Vrajbasa:
1. Caitanyacaritamrta of Suvalasyama
In Hindi:
1. Amiya-Nimai-Carita
2. Caitanya Premasagara of Pandita Ramananda
3. Caitanya caritavali of Prabhudatta Brahmacari
In Gurmukhi:
1. Caitanyacarita
In Urdu:
1. Sri Nimaicand of krishnaprasada Duggul
In Telugu:
1. Sri Caitanyalilamrtasaram
2. Sri Caitanyasiksamrtam
3. Lord Gauranga
In Tamil:
1. Life and Teaching of Gauranga by P.V. Pillai, Madras
In English:
1. Lord Gauranga by Sisirkumar Ghosh
2. Sri krishna Caitanya by N.K. Sanyal
3. Lord Caitanya by B.P. Tirtha
4. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu B.P. Tirtha
5. Caitanya by G. Tucci
6. Life of Sri Caitanya by C.S. Trilokekar
7. Caitanya and His Companions by D.C. Sen
8. Gauranga and His Gospel by M. Dhar
9. The Universal Religion of Sri Caitanya by N.N. Chaterjee
10.Caitanya's Pilgrimage and Teachings by J. Sarkar
The famous Siksastaka was composed by Lord Chaitanya. The commentator Vitthaleshvara states that Sri Krishna premamrta stotra was orally propounded by Lord Chaitanya. Although a number of other small astakas are considered to have been composed by Lord Chaitanya, the Lord Himself did not write any theological treatises. This task was taken up by Jiva Goswami, who compiled a number of philosophical works such as Satsandarbha, Kramasandarbha, Sarvasamvadini, etc.
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