Bright Spots by Bhaktimarga Swami

11073494086?profile=RESIZE_584xThese are my day’s bright spots:

  1. The morning’s kirtan took us all over the temple room. I added some new moves, new steps to the dance.

  2. Being in Toronto only for the day, so I was asked to give the class. Topic – baby Krishna and the witches.

  3. I confess to not have a taste for South Indian cuisine, but the kichari (rice, dhal, veggies) – the best!

  4. Spike, an old friend for many years, came to visit me. A good talk, ever reinforcing for both of us.

  5. My dear god-brother, Bhumna, also came to visit. He is very learned as a historian; always stimulating.

  6. A Zoom call amongst some of us leaders discussed concerns, putting us into a serious mode.

  7. At 5 pm it was Zoom again, this time, a Gita Chat. Chapter 14 is all about the three energies.

  8. I dug into a second stab at prasadam – squash veg made with love by super cook, Dwarkanath.

  9. Ruslan joined me for a walk through the Rosedale neighbourhood at prime spring season – daffodils stunning.

  10. Ruslan is from Ukraine, takes English classes, and is picking up on words really fast. I cheer him.

  11. Took time to pack bags for tomorrow’s trip to Montreal where a kirtan retreat takes place.

  12. Had another read of Shyamasundar’s book, Chasing Rhinos with the Swami.

  13. Chanted my Gayatri mantras as a way to complete a day of devotion.

  14. My thoughts go out to Prema Bhakti, whose funeral was today in Vancouver. Regards to husband, Narada.


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