From a class by H.H Indradyumna Swami -

In London I got a call from my mother at 2 a.m. She said, "Can you take me to Vrndavana? I want to go to Vrndavana." I was surprised because she had a materialistic philosophy and no interest in Krishna consciousness. I said I would call back when I got up in the morning. When I called three hours later, my brother answered. I asked to talk to my mother, but found she had just died. When my mother died, my brother said her last words were, "Don't lament I am not this body. I am going to Krish . . ." When she found she had cancer, she realized her materialistic philosophy was no solace, so she read the Bhagavad-gita I sent her years before every day for six months. She ordered 300 tapes from my tape ministry and listened to them every day. She was an intelligent lady, Phi Beta Kappa, and at the end of her life, she used her intelligence to realize the Absolute Truth. When I went to the funeral home to pay for the cremation, they apologized for not fulfilling her wish to have her ashes spread in the ocean and did not charge me. They said they had the ashes and would do it in a few days. I asked for the ashes and used the money saved from the cremation to go to Vrndavana and threw her ashes in the River Yamuna, thus fulfilling her last wish expressed to me to go to Vrndavana.


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