Those who possess Krishna prem are neither enjoyers nor renunciants. They are not karmis, fruitive workers; neither are they gyanies persons cultivating knowledge of the impersonal Brahman. Those who perform activities opposed to scriptural injunctions honor karmis, who abide by scriptural injunctions and when karmis who are eager to enjoy the results of their endeavors see the external renunciation of gyanies and renunciants, they may be attracted to them. However, those who hanker for bhagavat-prema disregard both of these paths. They are attracted only by behavior that nurtures the cultivation of this prema.
Someone who is not aspiring for prema for Krishna will perceive only enjoyment or renunciation in the behavior of the devotees. If he takes shelter of them upon observing their external renunciation, he may for a while consider himself blessed to be in their company. Krishna-prema, however, cannot be attained by external renunciation. Unless one has faith grounded in philosophical truth, or has affection for the svarupa of Sri Bhagvan, he cannot become attracted to the behaviour of Bhagavan’s devotees. The characteristic of such one-pointed devotees is that directly or indirectly they only cultivate love for Shri Krishna the supreme personality of Godhead.
Nitai Gaur Hari Bol!!