Bhagavad Gita, Day Three, Vail, Colorado, US Seminar 2009.Transcription : Arcana Dasi, Charu, Bharata Srestha, Shyama Mohini, Ranga Radhika.Editing : Ramananda Raya DasaHis Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami : Hare Krsna. So did you all go through the 7th chapter at your leisure? What? No. Everyone, No. or some, Yes.Anyway you came to Vail to have a retreat so take your time but be serious. All right?Is the 7th chapter important? Why? Why the 7th chapter is so important?Yes. Krsna is establishing His authority and He is revealing His identity for us to recognize Him and surrender unto Him. Ultimately, it is all a matter of surrender.Actually if we surrender we do not need anything. If we just surrender then we do not have to even read books. In Goloka Vrndavan, they do not study scriptures. They are simply engaged in their loving exchange with Krsna. When the loving relationship is there with Krsna, what is the need of going to school, to learn about Krsna?. You are already with Krsna. So, there is no need to cultivate that knowledge. So, all that we are studying is simply for ones basic objective and that is to become a surrendered soul. If we become 100% surrendered, so we go back to the spiritual sky. If we become 100% surrendered, so this place will become spiritual sky. So, I am leaving the 8th chapter up to you to study on your own, I am skipping the 8th chapter coming to the 9th chapter.9th chapter.Now, remember I told you, the most precious thing, where is it kept? In the middle. Right? When you have some precious things, where do you keep it? Do you keep it at your door? No. You keep it in the safe, in the most secured part of your house. So, similarly this vedic wisdom is kept in the middle. Now, Bhagavati, how many chapters does Bhagavad Gita have? 18 chapters.So what is the middle of the 18? Nine. Very good. [Laughs.] So the 9th chapter, therefore, it is the most important chapter. And so is the 10th chapter. 9th and 10th ,these are the two very, very important chapters. This 9th chapter has been described as “Attaining the Supreme “or “The most confidential knowledge”.So “Sri Bhagavan uvaca”.Welcome! Dr Anderson. So, we have a very special guest here today, Dr Henderson. Dr Anderson is a professor from The Colorado School of Mines which is one of the best Institute of its kind in the United States and he is regarded as one of the most eminent geophysicist in the world. Thank you so much, Dr Anderson. Dr Anderson, Why don’t you come here and share the seat with me..[laughs] Thank you. Hare Krsna! Dr Anderson lives in Denver and he is visiting us. He is a very close friend of ours. Thank you, Dr Anderson! It was our pleasure at the cost of your embarrassment.So Krsna is saying:BG 9.1idam tu te guhyatamampravaksyamy anasuyavejnanam vijnana-sahitamyaj jnatva moksyase ‘subhatTranslationThe Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence.Just by understanding this knowledge you will become free from all the suffering condition of the material nature. Do you remember what was the 1st verse of the 7th chapter ? What did Krsna say? Gopika, did you remember? Krsna said that by receiving this knowledge: “You will become free from all your doubts and you will develop your attachment for Me.” And here, Krsna is saying that “I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence.” So is it important to receive this knowledge? Are you all ready? Ok!BG 9.2raja-vidya raja-guhyampavitram idam uttamampratyaksavagamam dharmyamsu-sukham kartum avyayamSo raja vidya raja guhyam, raja means the king and vidya means knowledge, so raja vidya means the king of knowledge and at the same time it is raja guhyam, guhyam means very, very confidential. So it is the most confidential of all knowledge and at the same time it is pavitram, pavitram means very, very pure and uttamam, uttamam means transcendental.pratyaksavagamam dharmyamsu-sukham kartum avyayampratyaksa, by direct perception, it can be understood the principle of religion and it can be executed very easily, it is not difficult, su-sukham kartum avyayam kartum means to execute and su-sukham means happily, one can execute this process with ease and happiness and it is ever lasting and it is joyfully performed. Then Krsna is pointing outBG 9.3asraddadhanah purusadharmasyasya parantapaaprapya mam nivartantemrtyu-samsara-vartmaniThose who are not faithful in this devotional service cannot attain me. Sraddha means faith and asraddha, a is the negation, asraddadhanah purusa those who do not have faith dharmasyasya parantapa of this process, aprapya, they can never attain me and nivartante mrtyu-samsara-vartmani, they keep on moving on the cycle of birth and death. They are born, they die, they are born again in this way they keep on coming and going, cycling in this material nature in the course of suffering. Then Krsna is pointing outBG 9.4maya tatam idam sarvamjagad avyakta-murtinamat-sthani sarva-bhutanina caham tesv avasthitahTranslationBy Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.That is the identity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the difference between us and Him. We are all existing, sustained by Him, in Him. Yet,He is different from us. “All beings are in Me but I am not in them.” And then He is poining out the next verseBG 9.5na ca mat-sthani bhutanipasya me yogam aisvarambhuta-bhrn na ca bhuta-sthomamatma bhuta-bhavanahTranslationAnd yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation.The entire material creation is resting in Him, sustained by Him but He is separate completely from the material nature. Remember in Brahma Samhita we were discussing yesterday or day before yesterday, the material nature is His separated energy. His separated energy means this energy, this aspect of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is separate from Him, therefore He does not directly deal with the material nature. When it comes to deal with the material nature, He deals through the via medium of Lord Siva, so that is the relationship between The Supreme Personality of Godhead and the material nature. He is maintaining this material nature, He is creating the material nature, but He is not directly involved in the material nature. It is separate from Him. So that is the mystery. That is why this has been considered to be the most confidential knowledge.The confidential knowledge which is imparted is inconceivable to our intellect. With our intelligence, we won’t be able to comprehend it. With our senses, we won’t be able to perceive Him. Because our senses, our mind, our intelligence is able to only deal with the material objects. With our senses we can see only the material objects, with our mind we can only think of the material objects, with our intelligence we can deal only with the material objects. But He is beyond the material nature. Therefore He is beyond our sense perception. With our sense perception, with our mind, with our intelligence, we will never be able to understand Him. Therefore the only way to understand Him is to receive the information that is coming down from the spiritual nature. Initially coming down from Him and continuing in a chain of disciplic succession. What is the qualification of receiving this knowledge? Our senses, our mind, our intelligence will not be able to grab it.So, what is the means by which we can receive this knowledge? The only means is faith: accepting without any doubt. Now, that does not mean that the entire process is based on blind faith. No. It is not blind faith. Whenever it comes to knowledge, we have to receive it with faith from a bonafide source. Consider even the alphabet, when we were children, how did you learn the alphabet? Did you learn it by your own effort? No. Mother said that is a. We accepted it with faith that a is a, b is b, we had the faith, because we did not doubt the authority of the mother and the injunction of the mother or the father or the teacher and then as we grew up, it has been verified that a is a, b is b and c is c and so forth, we accepted initially with faith that a is a , b is b then when we grew up and started to read books, then it became verified that yes, a is a and b is b. Similarly, this process although it begins with faith, eventually it becomes established, proven. It becomes justified, everything falls in place.So that is why Krsna is pointing that unless and until you have faith, you won’t be able to enter into this domain; you won’t be able to receive this knowledge. So although all our senses are unable to approach the spiritual reality; yet only one sense faculty can enter there. What is that? Our hearing. Therefore the vedic wisdom is considered to be sruti. Sruti means hearing. By the process of hearing the information from a bonafide source, we receive this knowledge. And Krsna gives an example.BG 9.6yathakasa-sthito nityamvayuh sarvatra-go mahantatha sarvani bhutanimat-sthanity upadharayaTranslationUnderstand that as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky, all created beings rest in Me.BG 9.7sarva-bhutani kaunteyaprakrtim yanti mamikamkalpa-ksaye punas tanikalpadau visrjamy ahamTranslationO son of Kunti, at the end of the millennium all material manifestations enter into My nature, (at the end when there is total annihilation) and at the beginning of another millennium, by My potency, I create them again.This millennium is not the turn of the century. Recently we celebrated “The Big Millennium”. This is an insignificant concept of time. One or two hundred years is nothing compared to the creation. And you must also remember, the time moves in cycles. So from smaller concept of cycles, the time moves into bigger concept of cycles. One of the greatest concepts of time is Catur Yuga. There are four yugas: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. The duration of Kali Yuga is 432.000 years. The duration of Dvapara Yuga is 864.000 years. The duration of Treta Yuga is1.296.000 years. The duration of Satya Yuga is 1.728.000 years. So all put together is 4.320.000 years.This is one of the largest units of time. From second to minute, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to months, months to years; then 432 000 years, Kali Yuga, it becomes larger and larger. 864.000 years, 1.296.000 years the next yuga then Satya Yuga which is the first Yuga of the four cycles, is 1.728.000 years. All four put together is 4.320.000 years. That is one catur yuga.Now we are going to even larger concept of time. Thousand catur yugas make a day of Brahma and according to the same length is the night of Brahma. So that means a day and a night of Brahma consists of 8.640.000.000 years. That is a day of Brahma and in that calculation, there are months, there are years and the duration of Brahma’s life is 100 years and then at the end of Brahma’s life the total annihilation takes place, the whole universe will dissolve, but that is one universe.There are innumerable universes with a Brahma and a set of living entities there. So that is how unconceivable, how vast this creation is. And there are various types of annihilation; the first annihilation is individual annihilation, when we die that is called individual annihilation; then there are secondary annihilations. There are various types of secondary annihilations. One is when the Yugas change, at the end of the Kali Yuga, there is annihilation. After that annihilation, Satya Yuga will begin; that is a partial annihilation. Then another kind of partial annihilation is when Brahma’s day ends and the night begins, that is another kind of annihilation. In relation to the universe the annihilation is when Brahma dies. Then the entire universe will dissolve.Then what happens, Krsna is pointing out, at that time, all the living entities go back to His internal potency, internal nature. But although they go back to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they do not remain in the spiritual sky, although they go back to the spiritual sky, they do not remain in the spiritual sky. They rather remain in a state of sleep. Death is a kind of sleep, isn’t it? The difference between sleep and death is : in sleep we wake up in the same body, in death we wake up in another body. And then in between there is the dream stage, when we fall asleep. We are not always in a sleeping unconscious state, sometimes we dream, the subtle body remains active, that is the dream stage. So, although they go back to the spiritual sky, but they remain in a state of sleep.Annihilation means everyone is dead including Brahma. So when they die then what happens, the universes dissolve, so all go back to the spiritual sky to the Lord but in a sleeping state. Then He is pointing out then again the creation begins and they all wake up. Although we go back to the spiritual sky, we don’t go back to the spiritual sky; we stay in a state of sleep. In a state of sleep, say for example you are in a plane, you are sleeping, the plane goes to say India and after that the plane comes back to America, then you wake up. Did you visit India? You were in an unconscious state so whether you were in India or Timbuktu, it does not really matter.So in this way Krsna is sayingBG 9.8prakrtim svam avastabhyavisrjami punah punahbhuta-gramam imam krtsnamavasam prakrter vasatTranslationThe whole cosmic order is under Me. Under My will it is automatically manifested again and again, and under My will it is annihilated at the end.BG 9.9na ca mam tani karmaninibadhnanti dhananjayaudasina-vad asinamasaktam tesu karmasuTranslationO Dhananjaya, all this work cannot bind Me. I am ever detached from all these material activities, seated as though neutral.BG 9.10mayadhyaksena prakrtihsuyate sa-caracaramhetunanena kaunteyajagad viparivartateTranslationThis material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kunti, producing all moving and nonmoving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.I am just going through it quick1y. So like yesterday, I will divide you into groups and I will give you different sections of this chapter to discuss among yourselves and then present the conclusion of your discussion.BG 9.11avajananti mam mudhamanusim tanum asritamparam bhavam ajanantomama bhuta-mahesvaramTranslationFools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be.Athough the Supreme Personnality of Godhead does not need to come here, He does not really need to come to this material nature; just as a king does not need to go to his prison, but the king may go to the prison out of his compassion for the prisoners, to show them the way to get out of the prison. The king may go to the prison. Similarly Krsna comes to this material nature out of His causeless mercy and He can come in any way. He can come directly, He can assume some forms, sometimes He may even come in an animal form just as he appeared as Mina fish, Varaha boar, Kurma tortoise; sometimes He even came as a man half lion, Nrisimhadeva. Sometimes He also comes in a human form; but he says “When I come in My human form, the foolish people deride Me, thinking Me to be one of them.” One of them, in the sense that thinking Me to be as conditioned, limited, degraded, and miserable as they are. Like the king may go to the prison but the king does not become a prisoner. The king sometimes may even put on the dress of a prisoner to give the prisoners an advice. Hey, why don’t you submit to the king? All your problems, you are suffering here because you have defied the laws of the king, that is why you are suffering. So why don’t you surrender to the king? So the king may pretend to be or act like a prisoner just to advice the prisoner but the king does not become a prisoner. But some foolish prisoner may think he is another prisoner. Why should I listen to him? I know better than him.So avajananti mam mudha, “Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form.” But the reality is that the Lord’s original form is that like the human being, in this respect we can consider the statement in the Bible, man has been created according to the image of God. So the original form of God is that like of a human being, but man has been created according to that form, that does not mean that He is a human being, but the fools think that yes He is a human being there is no God. And if there is any God that is Me. I am God. God is not God but I am God. Sometimes in India, we come across some people who say I am God, you are God, and everyone is God. Only God is not God.BG 9.12moghasa mogha-karmanomogha-jnana vicetasahraksasim asurim caivaprakrtim mohinim sritahTranslationThose who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated.BG 9.13mahatmanas tu mam parthadaivim prakrtim asritahbhajanty ananya-manasojnatva bhutadim avyayamTranslationO son of Påthä, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible.So who is a mahatma, mahatma is the person who has taken shelter of the Lord’s internal potency. That means one who has taken shelter of the Lord, he is a mahatma or a true saintly personality. And what do they do? Bhajanty ananya-manaso jnatva bhutadim avyayam : they serve Me, they always render devotional service to Me knowing Me as The Supreme. And what do they do?BG 9.14satatam kirtayanto mamyatantas ca drdha-vratahnamasyantas ca mam bhaktyanitya-yukta upasateTranslationAlways chanting My glories, endeavoring with great determination, bowing down before Me, these great souls perpetually worship Me with devotion.BG 9.15jnana-yajnena capy anyeyajanto mam upasateekatvena prthaktvenabahudha visvato-mukhamTranslationOthers, who engage in sacrifice by the cultivation of knowledge, worship the Supreme Lord as the one without a second, as diverse in many, and in the universal form.BG 9.16aham kratur aham yajnahsvadhaham aham ausadhammantro ‘ham aham evajyamaham agnir aham hutamTranslationBut it is I who am the ritual, I the sacrifice, the offering to the ancestors, the healing herb, the transcendental chant. I am the butter and the fire and the offering.The point is in the sacrifice, every aspect of the sacrifice is The Personality of Godhead.BG 9.17pitaham asya jagatomata dhata pitamahahvedyam pavitram omkarark sama yajur eva caTranslationI am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable OM. I am also the Åg, the Sama and the Yajur Vedas.BG 9.18gatir bharta prabhuh saksinivasah saranam suhrtprabhavah pralayah sthanamnidhanam bijam avyayamTranslationI am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge, and the most dear friend. I am the creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting place and the eternal seed.BG 9.19tapamy aham aham varsamnigrhnamy utsrjami caamrtam caiva mrtyus casad asac caham arjunaTranslationO Arjuna, I give heat, and I withhold and send forth the rain. I am immortality, and I am also death personified. Both spirit and matter are in Me.BG 9.20trai-vidya mam soma-pah puta-papayajnair istva svar-gatim prarthayantete punyam asadya surendra-lokamasnanti divyan divi deva-bhoganTranslationThose who study the Vedas and drink the soma juice, seeking the heavenly planets, worship Me indirectly. Purified of sinful reactions, they take birth on the pious, heavenly planet of Indra, where they enjoy godly delights.BG 9.21te tam bhuktva svarga-lokam visalamksine punye martya-lokam visantievam trayi-dharmam anuprapannagatagatam kama-kama labhanteTranslationWhen they have thus enjoyed vast heavenly sense pleasure and the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they return to this mortal planet again. Thus those who seek sense enjoyment by adhering to the principles of the three Vedas achieve only repeated birth and death.Going to the heavenly planets is something like going for a vacation, to a nice place. Now you go there because you have some money in your pocket and then when the money is finished then you have to come back home. Going to the heavenly planets is something like that, with the punya which is subtle wealth, by the means of those subtle wealth one can be elevated to the heavenly planets but when the wealth is exhausted they have to come down to the mortal world againBG 9.22ananyas cintayanto mamye janah paryupasatetesam nityabhiyuktanamyoga-ksemam vahamy ahamTranslationBut those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form-to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.So people, by dint of their pious activities, they may be elevated to the heavenly planets where they may enjoy for some time but then they have to come back when their wealth is exhausted. But Krsna is saying that those who have surrendered unto Me , I take care of them, they do not have to worry about their own assets or own wealth, I take care of them in the sense that whatever they lack I provide whatever they have I protect. Why? Because they have surrendered to Me. Those who have surrendered to me, I take care of them in all respects. And time to time again , Krsna is giving this assurance, you surrender unto Me and I will take care of you in all respects. Otherwise your life is so full of anxiety, whereas when you surrender unto Me there is no more anxiety.In this respect I remember one incident, Srila Prabhupada was on a morning walk in Bombay, on Juhu Beach, and in Bombay many other people were also walking and many people have their dogs also and the dogs are healthy, cute looking one, happily following their master, by the side of the road there are street dogs, pariyas, they are just barking. So Prabhupada asked: “What is the difference between those dogs and these dogs?” Of course devotees did not have any answer. Then Prabhupada said the difference is these dogs have master whereas those dogs they do not have. They are on their own. And see the difference, the dogs with a master they look so happy, so healthy, so beautiful, well groomed, manicured. [laughter] But those dogs, those who are on the street… Therefore, the intelligent thing to do is to just surrender unto Krsna and you become completely free from anxiety. Because He is giving the assurance: “Whatever you lack I will provide and whatever you have, I will protect.” You do not have to worry about anything.BG 9.23ye ‘py anya-devata-bhaktayajante sraddhayanvitahte ‘pi mam eva kaunteyayajanty avidhi-purvakamTranslationThose who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunti, but they do so in a wrong way.BG 9.24aham hi sarva-yajnanambhokta ca prabhur eva cana tu mam abhijanantitattvenatas cyavanti teTranslationI am the only enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. Therefore, those who do not recognize My true transcendental nature fall down.BG 9.25yanti deva-vrata devanpitrn yanti pitr-vratahbhutani yanti bhutejyayanti mad-yajino ‘pi mamTranslationThose who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me.And then Krsna is saying how easy it is to go to Him.BG 9.26patram puspam phalam toyamyo me bhaktya prayacchatitad aham bhakty-upahrtamasnami prayatatmanahTranslationIf one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.In order to worship Krsna there is no need of extensive and elaborated arrangements; of course if we can afford that is good but if we can’t it does not matter. If we can’t offer anything, if we do not have the means, with love, if we offer just some fruits and flowers and leaves and water, He will accept it. In this respect Prabhupada gives a very beautiful example that a little child got some money, with the money he bought some sweets and he goes to the father and gives it to the father: “Daddy, daddy I got it for you.” How does the father feel? Now the Supreme Personality of Godhead is our Supreme Father, we all are His children, He already has His loving affection for us, whatever we are getting is from Him ,if we offer that to Him with love; then He becomes happy, His heart becomes filled with joy. And He picks us up like the father picks up the little child on his lap. All we have to do is just offer something as an expression of our love to Him. The father does not need the sweets and maybe the sweets were bought from the money that he gave to the son. He gave a few coins to the son to play with and he took that money, bought these little sweets and offered it to the father. That is how, no matter how insignificant our offering may be to the Lord, but if we make that offering, that pleases Him immensely. That is why now Krsna is advising:BG 9.27yat karosi yad asnasiyaj juhosi dadasi yatyat tapasyasi kaunteyatat kurusva mad-arpanamTranslationWhatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform-do that, O son of Kunté, as an offering to Me.That is all our worship entails. We are always doing something, so let us do whatever we are doing for His sake. We can even eat for His sake. Meaning whatever you are eating, we can first offer it to Him and then accept it as His remnants. We give in charity let us offer the charity on His behalf. We perform sacrifices; let us make these sacrifices for His pleasure.BG 9.28subhasubha-phalair evammoksyase karma-bandhanaihsannyasa-yoga-yuktatmavimukto mam upaisyasiTranslationIn this way you will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results. With your mind fixed on Me in this principle of renunciation, you will be liberated and come to Me.BG 9.29samo ‘ham sarva-bhutesuna me dvesyo ‘sti na priyahye bhajanti tu mam bhaktyamayi te tesu capy ahamTranslationI envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.BG 9.30api cet su-duracarobhajate mam ananya-bhaksadhur eva sa mantavyahsamyag vyavasito hi sahTranslationEven if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination.He may be fallen now, he may have some problems, he may become degraded but if he is engaged in serving the Lord, he is properly situated that is what Krsna is saying. And then next verse He is saying:BG 9.31ksipram bhavati dharmatmasasvac-chantim nigacchatikaunteya pratijanihina me bhaktah pranasyatiTranslationHe quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunté, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.BG 9.32mam hi partha vyapasrityaye ‘pi syuh papa-yonayahstriyo vaisyas tatha sudraste ‘pi yanti param gatimTranslationO son of Påitha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth-women, vaisyas [merchants] and sudras [workers]-can attain the supreme destination.So, to become a devotee of Krsna, we do not need any qualification; anybody can become a devotee of Krsna even if one may be in a much degraded state of existence. One may be born in a very low class family, still he can become a devotee of the Lord. All it takes, is to honestly and sincerely surrender oneself to the lotus feet of the Lord.BG 9.33kim punar brahmanah punyabhakta rajarsayas tathaanityam asukham lokamimam prapya bhajasva mamTranslationHow much more this is so of the righteous brahmanas, the devotees and the saintly kings. Therefore, having come to this temporary, miserable world, engage in loving service unto Me.BG 9.34man-mana bhava mad-bhaktomad-yaji mam namaskurumam evaisyasi yuktvaivamatmanam mat-parayanahTranslationEngage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.In this way, there are 34 verses in this chapter. Chapter 9 which is known as Raja Vidhya Raja Guhyam Yogam, The most confidential knowledge.So now should we divide in our respective groups like yesterday? We decided to make one extra group for the ladies. Instead of 2 make 3 groups. Okey, so how will we make the 3rd group of the ladies? Who were not in the groups yesterday? Sushila , you were not there, Mamattamayi, five of you were not there. Ok. So, five of you can form a group. Five of you who were not there, you can form a group and you take one or two from the other groups. Like, your group had how many? Nine. Right? Gopika, Ratna Radhica, Shyama Mohini, Who says Shyama Mohini? [Laugh] May be Shyama Mohini can go to their group, the 3rd group. And other groups of ladies who were there? Rati Manjari, your group , you have 12 , so you can sacrifice 2. So anyway you can ask who will go to that group? Who want to voluntary go to the 3rd group of the ladies? Premanjana was not there yesterday also, Neena, was not there, Savitri, Mammattamayi, Sucila, that makes 5. Figure it out. Rati I leave it up to you. And the 2 groups of men are fine. OK. So how many groups are there? 3 groups of men. 3 groups of women. So we have 34 verses. Your group has the first 6 verses, next 6 verses is the next group, Rati Manjari, your group has the next 6 verses, means 12; then the 3rd group of the ladies has the next 5 verses, 13 to 17, the next group is 18 to 24, which is the next group? The next group is 25 to 29 and the last group is 30 to 34.I will come back at 12.30.