What do you think of death? I don't think about it, doesn't even enter my mind. It's natural, you're born, grow, and die. The important thing is to do good and not sin. That is difficult for me to explain. It is destined to come to all at some time, some sooner, some later, but it is destined to come at a certain moment in time for all. We always hope for later. It is sad but we must smile. The only one who doesn't die is the Lord. Sometimes it seems unjust, but we must smile.Nothing. You just don't exist any more, its terrible but it happens to everyone. It is just, it touches everyone. I hope there is something more, another dimension. Not like here on the earthly level, something spiritual. Otherwise what is the point of life. I'm not afraid. We are born, live and die. It is important to live peacefully. My religion teaches like that. It's natural.I don't think about it because death doesn't exist. It's the end of one period and the start of another. We just don't remember the past. When one is born death begins. The following presentation is taken from the ancient (timeless) Vedic literature of India Nobody wants to die, we all want to live as long as we can. This is natural because the living being is eternal by nature.With attachment to the body, you the living soul, sees through the various senses during life. Thus there is illumination in your existence. At death, the connection between the seer and the seen is broken since the seer no longer has the senses with which to see. Therefore everything becomes black. He is confused. There are very many nadis, or passageways, by which one can leave the body. According to your karma, a particular nadi is illuminated to lead you to the particular platform of life that you have earned.It is the Lord as Supersoul who illuminates the way from one life to another. Then the entrance into a particular type of seed according to the type of birth that is taking place. We have forgotten how difficult and troublesome it is to remain in the womb. The on going process of birth, growth, death and then birth again is continuous. The eternal soul is covered by two types of bodies: one made of the gross material elements, senses, blood, bone, fat, and so forth. The second is the subtle body consisting of mind, intelligence and ego. All this cover the eternal individual soul, who is more brilliant than the sun The subtle body carries the soul, like air carrying a fragrance, to the next destination after the death (destruction) of the gross body. According to the condition of the mind at the time of death, the minute spirit soul enters into the womb of a particular mother through the semen of a father, and then the soul develops a body. It may be human, or it may not. Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail. (Bhagavad-Gita 8.6) Only one who can learn the process of illusion, and that of transcendental knowledge side by side can go beyond the influence of repeated birth and death and enjoy the full blessing of immortality. (Sri Isopanasad 11) A student prepares many years in college to pass the final examination. Life is the ultimate lesson, and death the ultimate examination. From the very start of the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord explains to His devotee the way to conquer death.Knowledge means understanding that we are spirit soul not this body, we are eternally part and parcel of the Lord Supreme. Why, then, should we subject ourselves to birth and death? There are different types of yoga, austerities and meditation meant for liberation from repeated birth and death. In one type of yoga, the spiritual spark is transferred to the top of the head. The yogi then transfers himself to any planet in the material or spiritual worlds, according to his desire.These methods are difficult to practice and are impractical in today's society Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, is the easiest and most applicable means in this modern age to conquer death. The ideal attitude should be, "My Lord, I am Your eternal servitor. Please let me somehow engage in Your service." It is transcendental action that purifies us and brings us to the spiritual platform. Mantra meditation, chanting Hare Krsna, is the basis of the Bhakti process. By chanting you regain your spiritual form, which means no more death, since after the next death, you will go back to the spiritual world where all spirit souls belong.This path is so simple and easy that everyone can take to it by chanting the holy name of the Lord, Krishna. "One who acts to serve Krsna with his body, mind, intelligence and words is a liberated person, even within this material world." |
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