Beach Bhaktas by Bhaktimarga Swami



Belle Mare is a beach destination that has served me as a great walking trail, a swimming opportunity, a rendezvous for kirtan lovers, a picnic spot so ideal, and a sit-by-the-sand location for some good philosophical chats. At least that is how I find this place under cloud or sun. My assistant/student, Kala, plans out my whole program during my stay in Mauritius. My schedule in this paradise country usually consists of piecing together a talent show called “The Shakti Show,” but, the visit to this island in the Indian Ocean at this post-covid period focuses on sangha (spiritual association).


If one considers work as play or vice versa, today’s time in and out of the water was an attempt to bond in our bhakti culture. Beach lovers would momentarily stop to pick up on chanting vibrations. I think everyone loves the sound of mantra and djembe drum. Other beach roamers caught the spirit of our usual game in the ocean’s water, a version of volleyball on the water, by seeing us have fun.

When we were in the prime of our sport, my left foot managed to land on an urchin, which seems to be the ocean’s version of a porcupine. Three of our men plucked out the prickly pins from the bottom of my foot. It terminated our game. There was no pain for me, and I anticipate more of this game for the coming days while in Mauritius.

What about nights? Well, one of our congregational members, Dinanath, hosted a huge program at his home. Biryani was served – so yummy to the tummy! Our topic to speak on was ‘Unity in Diversity.’


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