Be Smart! Look before You Leap!In life always we set a goal and choose to walk on a path that will help us achieve the goal. Anyone wants to become a Doctor does not join a Computer Course thinking that he will become a doctor at the end of the course. So, destination depends on the path we choose to travel.
Every one wants to become happy in life. It’s a unanimous desire of all living entities not just human beings. But did we ever check out whether the path we are traversing will make us happy. Especially for Indian Youth who are having hopes on the western styled life to become happy, it’s an urgent need to scrutinize whether it will make them really happy and contented in life. May be that will distinguish man from animals even though both seek happiness or enjoyment in life.For Example If I am selling you a product with a claim that it had worked for millions of people. Just check the effects of the product on those people lives before you buy the product. That’s Intelligence!Similarly the western culture even though had promised very sophisticated, posh, healthy and happy life style, had miserably failed in its promises. Then why are the Indians not able to see the adverse effects of it? So goes the caution statement – “Look before you leap”.Western Culture looks sophisticated. Is it healthy?
There is advancement in the life style, Air conditioners, Elevators, Ovens, Mixers, Laptops, Coffee machines and much more. But how healthy are they for its users? Obesity, Cholesterol, Nervousness and much more due to the fast paced sophisticated life style. We are using elevators in the office and rushing for a Jog in the morning.;">We are cooking in ovens and gulping up vitamin tablets. All Indians had witnessed how healthy were our elders even at their advanced ages. But today youth less than 30 years of age get a cardiac arrest which is unheard in the past.Western Culture looks posh. Is it satisfying?Everything is well organized and pleasing in the western world. But lonely homes and empty hearts is the western reality leaving many to die in old age homes. It’s the love which satisfies us than the texture of the food.
Externals are important but it’s not all. Posh houses can’t assure us a sound sleep. Water beds can’t give us good sleep. Only peaceful mind can give us a satisfying sleep. Does the western styled life is making you peaceful? Think about it! Western Culture gives freedom. Does it add values to our lives?There is a lot of freedom for youngsters to live like they want unlike India. But do you know the child pregnancy rate of the American school going kids? Western Youth has the freedom to choose their life after 18 but out of immaturity many become drug addicts and rebellious in nature. Free to choose their way has led to increased abortions in the western society.There is excitement but is there enlightenment in the western life style. The term freedom implies that everybody has the right to live happily. But if that freedom and happiness is based on selfish motives it’s not actually freedom rather it is an entanglement because your freedom obstructs others happiness similarly their freedom will obstruct your happiness. It’s a narrow minded approach to have freedom in a selfish way.This selfish way of living under the name of freedom is the cause for huge divorce rates and in turn affecting the lives of thousands of children and elders in need for emotional care.Real values are caring, sacrificing and adjusting for others to lead a mutual and happy life. That’s the real freedom to live happily.If western culture is what that will make Indians advanced and happy then let them have a look on the western society to see the worse effects created by the same culture. Child Pregnancy, Loneliness and Depression are the advanced problems of the advanced countries. Depression is the most important cause of illness, death and suicides. The statistics conducted by various sources says up to 2.5 percent of children, 8.3 percent of adolescents, 18.8 million American youth (over 18), 12.4 million women and 6.4 million men in the U.S suffer from depression.Why there are adverse effects even though so much sophistication and happiness were promised?Why there are no family systems in these advanced nations. Is it not advanced to stay with your kith and kin together? Is it a primitive culture to adjust your needs according to your loved ones to live with and care for them? Is it advanced to be not adjusting for others wishes and thinking only about one’s own enjoyment?According to Census statistics, family households declined from 90% of all households in 1940 to 68% in 2002. There were 109.3 million households in the United States in 2002, about 74.3 million of which were family households. Of these, 56.7 million were designated "married couple" and 17.6 million were "other family" households in Census Bureau terminology. Another 34.9 million households fit the "non family" category.Read more: root cause for the miserable failure of western culture to deliver a satisfying life for its followers is its basis on Individualism (Just Me and My Enjoyment) and Materialism (money based/consumerism).Individualism has destroyed their personal lives and Materialism has destroyed their social lives collectively. When the culture is just based upon Materialism and Individualism one cannot hope to become happy at heart. So check the path you are walking, to make sure whether it will make you happy! Don’t give up what you have without understanding its real value.