Balancing obedience to authority & independent thoughtfulness, The Monk's Podcast 122 with Radheshyam Prabhu Summary 2:11:08
Radheshyam Prabhu is an IIT Mumbai Topper, President of ISKCON Pune for last 22 years, leading a Community of 6000 members.
Director of a Youth club, VOICE (Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture and Education)
Compiler of Youth books like `Stress to Smile’ `Art of Smartwork’, `Five volume Essence of Gita’ etc.
Designer of DISCOVER YOUR SELF 8-session Course for youth and corporates.
Global Excellence Award winner for educating Youth in Bhagavad gita.
Jiva goswami Award winner for Innovative youth outreach.
GDO (Global Duty Officer) for youth outreach visiting Boston & other places in USA for two months/year.
Youth Trainer in last 25 years in all leading IITs, NITs and others and reaches out to -- Pune, Kolkata, Kanpur, Mumbai, Thane, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Dharwad, Belgaum, Mysore etc.
Presented Seminars at MIT Boston, Stanford University, University of Washington, Cornell University etc.
Corporate Seminar Presenter at Amazon, Bank of America, INFOSYS, Deutsch Bank, Cognizant, Persistent.