
As you treat others, so shall you be treated

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What are some other ways of saying this magical formula? Let’s see. What goes around, comes around. As you treat others, so shall you be treated. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. There are many variations of this.

All you have to do to ensure that you will be treated fairly, respectfully, and with kindness – and to ensure that others will reach out to help you and praise you – is to do these things yourself.

Become a thoughtful person. Offer assistance. Be nice. Reach out to others. Become even more generous. Say “Thank you.” These, and hundreds of other similar little gestures, are the ways you can reach out and tell the world you care.

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Ultimately, what you offer to the world is exactly what you get back. So, if your goal is to be Krishna Conscious, the most important thing you can do is help others be Krishna Conscious. 

Don’t make the mistake of becoming upset or frustrated if your acts of kindness don’t come back immediately. The universe has its own set of rules and its own sense of timing. Be patient and loving.  

Srila Prabhupada's Quote
The real purpose of married life is to live together peacefully, 
execute Krishna Consciousness, 
bring up children in Krishna Consciousness, 
so they will not again have to enter into this world of birth and death.

- Letter to:  Andrea Temple, Los Angeles, March 6, 1968
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