Another Memory Lane by Bhaktimarga Swami


My brother, Jerry, and I used to do those farm chores together in the summer holidays. That entailed some physical work such as collecting firewood and dumping it through the basement's window, pitching manure and hauling it into the manure spreader and more often uprooting those pesky thistle plants in the pasture. Our loving Dad (and I'm not being sarcastic here) wanted to keep us engaged, not waste time, be useful and not get lazy.

These pastimes we reminisced on over the phone with other siblings as it was his birthday. We make these zoom calls every time one of us have, what we used to call our happy hatch days.

For today my spiritual family, Nityananda, Arpan and Vallabha Hari, took the road destined for Huntsville and our new project. It was here in Huntsville, on Main Street, in the year 1996, that I walked with a backpack and an insignia on it with a map of Canada with footprints going directions east. I was meditating on deep thoughts, one of which was, "How and when will Krishna Consciousness make its appearance in this quaint place?" Now, 28 years later we have this - a marvelous Krishna Cultural Centre with a temple, restaurant and living quarters - on Main.

I am practically tearfully happy. An ecstatic Kirtan, plus a walk with the boys on the Trans Canada Trail completed the day after sunset. I contemplated more on how my life is so good especially after meetings locals who are conscious about this new project - the Centre.


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