Rahul had held the spot since 8:30 AM. It was ideal, in the centre of El Dorado Park, a grassy section under the biggest tree in the park. It was a weeping willow tree, huge and expansive – old, even.
This was the site secured for the gathering of friends of GEL (Gita Ethics Learning), And it was more than just a convergence of young students of Vedic wisdom, but it became their graduation. I presented the diplomas for the graduates. They received them with pride. Parents spoke of how grateful they were for this study group conceived by good-intentioned Rajasuya.
All went well – the presentation, the words of praise, the kirtan chanting, the food we call prasadam. The food is always special, and it was laid out in a row of picnic tables. The mingling of new friends started at these tables. Some of the men and boys took to their passion – a soccer game.
Then something very unexpected occurred. From above, a resounding and thunderous cracking sound exploded in the air. I jumped off my seat and ran for life. Others did as well. For some of the women, it came too fast.
What was that? A massive limb of the willow came crashing down despite a perfect windless weather. I looked back, and Sriya, one of the ladies, was pinned down under the branches of the limb. Five women and one man were hurt. It could have been worse. The park staff, police, fire department, and paramedics arrived swiftly. No major injuries took place; however, everyone was shaken. Krishna protects.
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/an-incident-with-nature