Durward is an old friend of mine, and he called me about something important. When I say old, I mean I've known him since 1973. Also, he's in his 80s. His message was, “I don’t think I’ll be here much longer. My breathing is not good. Please come to my apartment and take my deities of Krishna. I know you’ll give them a good home.”
Gabriel and I acted on his request immediately and met Durward, who is a member of ACTRA, and is a retired actor living in the Performing Arts Lodging. It was difficult for us to see him so emaciated, but his spirit for devotion was strong. He showed me a picture of his acting guru from Poland who once played the role of Dhritarastra in Peter Brook’s version of The Mahabharat. Gabriel and I had a kirtan in the apartment. It might be our last with Durward. He was happy.
Linda Hatton came over from a small town, Mitchel, Ontario. I knew her way before Durward as she was a classmate in 1964. She read my book The Saffron Path, and that reconnected us. She decided to spend a day, including a night at our ashram. It was so good to see her as well, and naturally, her visit conjured up the past, of more simple and innocent days. She is very curious about the culture. It's all very new and exciting for her.
After so many tasks of the day, I I descended the steps for the street level and went off to walk. I met people I know, and those I don't, including a lawyer for athletes, and a fellow who said, “Hey, a white monk!”
“Actually, my hue is more beige-like,” I responded.
“Okay, you’re right!” affirmed the fellow.