
Acknowledging Krishna's Favour

Now I am living in my body. If there is pain here, I can understand,"Here is pain." But if there is some pain in your body, I cannotunderstand. Therefore I am different from you. But Krsna canunderstand what is pain or pleasure in my body, and what is pain orpleasure in your body and everyone's body. That is Krsna.Sarva-ksetresu.That is God, not that, simply by claiming, "I am God. I am the sameGod." And how you claim God? Can you tell what I was thinking? Can youtell what he is thinking? No. Then how... What kind of God you are?Don't accept a cheap God. These are the symptoms of God. Adv aitamacyutam anadim ananta-rupam [Bs. 5.33]. He has got ananta,unlimited... There are unlimited living entities. In the Vedas it isstated, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13):"There are unlimited living entities, unlimited eternals. But there isone, another, one supreme eternal, supreme entity."What is the difference between this, the unlimited number, or pluralnumber, and one singular number? That is also answered. Eko bahunam yovidadhati kaman: "That singular number one entity is supplying the,all the necessities of all the plural number living entities." We areplural number entities. The living entities, we are plural number.Nityo nityanam. This nityanam is plural number, possessive case, inSanskrit. And He is nitya. He is one, singular number. Eko bahunamvidadhati kaman: "That one is supplying the necessities of all livingentities."Don't we see how God is supplying all the necessities of birds,beasts, and everyone? Ours also. We don't acknowledge. Because we arecivilized, we are, we do not acknowledge. The birds, beasts also donot acknowledge, but because they are birds and beasts. So we are justbecoming like birds and beasts, denying the existence of God, denyingthe authority of God.We are taking advantage. Vidadhati kaman. If Krsna does not supply usthis light, sunlight, we will die. But He does not charge anything.But because we are human being, we should try to repay: "Oh, Krsna isgiving us so much facilities. Let me render some service unto Him."This is Krsna consciousness. This is to acknowledge, "O God, You areso kind. You are giving so many things. So I have collected thisfruit. It is Your fruit, I know. Still, please accept." This isfinish, your business. You are a great devotee. You are a great Krsnaconscious personality, and Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yome bhaktya prayacchati [Bg. 9.26]. Krsna does not want from you, verynice thing. Krsna is complete in Himself. He can produce many, manynice things. He is not begging, but still, He is expecting somethingfrom you because He is supplying so many things to you. Is it not?Suppose if you have got a friend, you always give him. Don't youexpect something: "Oh, I give so many things to my friend. He does notoffer me anything?"? Don't you feel, out of love? Father, mother, theydo so many things for the children. If the children do not do anythingfor the father and mother, are they not happy? Are they happy? No.They are unhappy: "My children are so ungrateful."Although He does not want -- Krsna is full in Himself -- but if wesupply something to Krsna... Krsna's good is to be supplied to Krsna.The fruit is not produced by you. Krsna says, patram puspam phalamtoyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati: [Bg. 9.26] "Anyone who offers Me alittle fruit, a little water, and little leaf, oh, I accept." Tad ahamasnami, bhakty-upahrtam: "Because he has brought with the devotion andlove, I accept it." If Krsna accepts your offering, then your lifebecomes sublime. That is Krsna consciousness.Simply we should have to acknowledge. We are getting so manyfacilities from Krsna. He is sitting within your heart, He issupplying you all necessities, He is giving you sunlight, He is givingyou rainy, seasonal rains, fruits, flowers, grains, and we are soungrateful that we do not acknowledge?So try to understand in this way Krsna consciousness, Godconsciousness. Then your dormant relationship with God and Krsna willbe revived. Ceto-darpana-marjanam [Cc. Antya 20.12]. Lord Caitanyasays, "By revival of Krsna consciousness means the dirty thingsaccumulated on our heart will be dissipated, immediately vanished."Then we shall see, "Oh, this is my position. I am Krsna's, and Krsna is mine."Srila Prabhupada Lecture :: 1969/05/09 Colombus, Bhagavad-gita 4.1
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