At almost any time of the day, you can spot these hares that change colour from brown in the summer to white in the winter. They are not exactly like bunnies that cutely hop along. They more aggressively lunge forward with a strong leap in stride. Naturally, they get mobile when they see a pedestrian get close to them. Magpies are also a common creature in Alberta, quite aggressive they are. When walking from the inn to the Krishna temple in the early morn, I find that I'm not alone.
5:30 AM is the timing for the first arati of the day, so along with some members of the community, we gathered to chant the auspicious songs at the mangal service. This was followed by a visit to a family for lunch and kirtan before heading to Red Deer in order to sign papers for a new bank account to facilitate ISKCON Red Deer functions. It was really pleasing to know that the novice community in Red Deer is making plans for their first Ratha Yatra or Chariot Fest. The chariot will not be sizeable, but it's a start. At one home we held kirtan and a talk about the subject of bhakti. While I have my time with wildlife in Alberta during a trek, I balance it with people presence which is always gratifying, and sometimes challenging. The very thoughtful Carl Jung expressed that the greatest danger to humankind is man himself. If only we humans did a better job at sense and anger control, it would be more like heaven.