We saw a yogi-type looking girl walking past our book table, so I called out, “Have you tried any yoga and meditation?”
She was super favorable and said, “Yes, I’m doing a yoga teacher-training course right now, and as part of my course I’m reading the Bhagavad-gita right now.”
Many times, people say that they are reading or own a Gita, but it is translated by some mayavadi, so I didn’t take her seriously.
I asked, pointing to Prabhupada’s translation, “Do you have this edition?”
To my surprise she said yes! She pulled out the copy from her bag to show me, and it was looking worn out from her reading.
She said that she is the only one reading the Gita As It Is in her class, and, to her disappointment, they never talk about pure bhakti as the goal of asanas.
She is halfway through the book and loves reading Prabhupada’s commentaries.
She was eager for more books and wondering where to find the devotees.
She gladly took two more books and gave a nice donation. When I thanked her profusely for the donation, she began to recount an event two years prior.
She was minding her business, walking in Bloomington, Indiana, when someone handed her the Gita. She didn’t give anything to that person.
Everytime she was reading the book she was desiring to give a contribution somehow. It so happened that on this day I wasn’t getting many donations, and with her contribution all the books given out that day were covered.
We exchanged information. I gave her beads and showed her how to chant. She was moved by our meeting, promised to start chanting, and wanted to visit us to do some kirtan soon.
Source: https://dandavats.tumblr.com/post/685391958081929216/a-hatha-yogi-that-understands-the-goal-bhakti