Coco is a lovable dog proudly owned by an also lovable household couple who hosted this evening's ‘Gita Chat.’ While we conducted our discussion, Coco seemed to bark occasionally and spontaneously at times when it was just right, as if to confirm profound statements made. He is 3 1/2 years of age, full of energy, and moved about from participant to participant, who were all just sitting in the Lotus position (well, most of them). He is well behaved, like the people in asana formation, and was listening to our talk. How much this Maltese pet was absorbing the information is another matter.
Tonight's focus was on chapter 2, and particular attention was given to verses 34, 35, and 36. Krishna encourages his loyal warrior friend to not neglect the discharge of duty, bearing in mind that all actions could be linked to dignity. Duty and dignity! Krishna warns that reputation is always at stake, especially for one in the kshatriya (warrior) role, or brahminical (priestly) role. These are higher expectations for those in such categories of service in the areas of delivering principles of dharma and righteousness, and protecting those values. That, to a large degree, was the justification behind all the defensiveness in the war at Kurukshetra, Five millennia ago.
I want to thank Pusta Krishna, Tejasui, and Priti for hosting a meaningful Friday night program.