By Lakshman Poddar

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Fifty years back Srila Prabhupada brought torrents of fortune for the western world with the grand event of putting His Lotus-feet for the first time in the soil of USA, in Butler, Pennsylvania. Srimadbhägavatam confirms

bhavad-vidha bhagavatas

tirtha-bhutah svayam vibho

tirthi-kurvanti tirthani

svantah-sthena gadabhrta.

My Lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage. (SB.1.13.10). Considering this wonderful quality of Lord Krishna’s pure devotees, Srila Prabhupada also turned Butler as a place of pilgrimage for every devotee of ISKCON for coming 10,000 years.

On 24th October 2015 on the occasion of 50th anniversary of this divine event, New Vrindaban centre of ISKCON organised a festival on 24th of October in Butler,Pennsylvania, to glorify the same and the significance of Butler as the primary breeding ground of the seed of Krishna Consciousness in western hemisphere.

Almost 200 devotees from USA and Canada, headed by HH Bhakti Marg Swami, HG Sikhi Mahiti Prabhu, HG Mother Krishnananadini, HG Mother Jayasri, HG Mother Visvadika, HG Mother Archanalata, HG Subhavilash Prabhu, HG Akhilananda Prabhu, HG Jaya Krishna Prabhu, HG Nityodita Prabhu etc, participated in that very festival

The festival was initiated with a sumptuous lunch prasada and followed by a majestic Harinama Sankirtan to YMCA and house of Mr/Mrs Gopal &Shally Aggarwal. Srila Prabhapada spent first 30days of His stay in USA in their house. The sincere chanting of 200 devotees in the Harinama procession was adored by Mother nature with an auspicious sign of light drizzling, what is called “puspa-vristii” in Samskrit language. The Harinama Sankirtan continued till 5:30 PM followed by glorification session from 5:35 -6:30 PM at Grand Ballroom – 3rd Floor, 201 South Main Street, Butler, PA 16001. HH Bhakti Marg Swami, HG Sikhi Mahiti Prabhu, HG Mother Krishnananadini, HG Mother Jayasri, HG Mother Visvadika, HG Mother Archanalata, HG Subhavilash Prabhu, HG Akhilananda Prabhu, HG Jaya Krishna Prabhu, HG Nityodita Prabhu imparted speeches on the significance of Butler as the primary breeding ground of Krishna Consciousness in USA and entire western world.

The festival was concluded with another session of ecstatic kirtana led by HH Bhakti Marg Swami at the same venue followed by sumptuous dinner prasad.


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