
18 Mystic perfection

The masters of the yoga system have declared that there are eighteen types of mystic perfection and meditation, of which eight are primary, having their shelter in Me, and ten are secondary, appearing from the material mode of goodness.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 11.15.3


1.       Anima-siddhi – The ability to decrease the size of one’s body and become smaller than the smallest particle. Through this siddhi one may enter into stone or change the density in one’s body, enabling one to pass through solid matter.
2.      Mahima-siddhi – The ability to increase the size of one’s body, ultimately enveloping the universe.
3.      Laghima-siddhi – The ability to make one’s body lighter than air and fly at will. The perfection of this siddhi enables one to travel on the sun’s rays and enter into the sun planet.
4.      Prapti-siddhi – The ability to manifest any object one desires within one’s hand. This siddhi removes the limitations of space which seperate two objects from each other. It is said one will even be able to touch the moon with one’s finger [i.e. the limitation of distance is removed].
5.      Prakamya-siddhi – The ability to attain anything one desires.
6.      Ishita-siddhi – The ability to control the sub-potencies of the laws of nature. This enables one to control various energies and seemingly defy the laws of nature. On the lowest level, one may make fire come from one’s mouth, etc.
7.      Vashita-siddhi – The ability to bring others under one’s control.
8.      Kamavasayita-siddhi – The ability to attain anything anywhere. This is the highest of the eight and contains most of the abilities of the other perfections.
The ten secondary perfections are as follows:
1) The ability to be free from hunger and thirst. With this perfection one no longer depends on food and water for maintenance of one’s body. One will be able to sustain himself simply on prana, the life air.
2) The ability to hear things far away. With this perfection one can hear any conversation spoken anywhere in the world.
3) The ability to see things far away. With this perfection one develops a mystic vision, by which one can see any person or place. Sanjaya, the disciple of Vyasa, used this siddhi to see and hear the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna (known as Bhagavad Gita) which took place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, though he was situated far away.
4) The ability to travel at the speed of the mind. With this perfection one can travel great distances in a moment simply by thinking of the destination.
5) The ability to assume any form one desires. This enables one to change one’s physical body at will.
6) The ability to enter the bodies of others. This perfection enables one to enter into the bodies of others and enjoy through their senses. Since ghosts do not have physical senses, they often resort to this to satisfy their desires through other’s bodies.
7) The ability to control the time of one’s death. With this perfection one may choose the time of leaving his body.
8) The ability to witness the pastimes between the demigods and the celestial girls called apsaras.
9) Satya-sankalpa – Perfect accomplishment of one’s determination. Whatever one desires to happen will happen.
10) Satya-vak - Giving orders that are unimpeded. With this perfection one’s very word is truth. Simply by saying something it occurs.
Besides these eighteen, there are five inferior perfections as follows:
The ability to know past, present and future.
The ability to tolerate heat, cold and other dualities.
The ability to know the minds of others.
The ability to check the influence of fire, water, poison, and weapons.
The ability to remain unconquered by others.

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