

By Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 

“Srila Prabhupada built a house the whole world could live in — and this included men and women. [and children],” said Krishnarupa devi dasi (ACBSP).1 What is the purpose of Srila Prabhupada’s house? Srila Prabhupada himself often primary purpose of human life, that is, we have a duty to utilise this life for the advancement of one’s Krishna Consciousness. In 1956 November 5 Back to Godhead Volume 3 Part 11, Prabhupada explains that to take birth in a Krishna Conscious family, affords one the opportunity to make progress in spiritual realisation. This is because the atmosphere of such a family has a favourable culture for the practice of Bhakti. “Marriage requires that the parties respect one another as devotees. If there are to be good, God-centered marriages, then there must be solid Vaishnava relationships,” says Pranada devi dasi (ACBSP).1

Within a vibrant community, the sturdy fibers of robust family values intricately weave the fabric of its endurance and vitality. Anchored in respect, empathy, and solidarity, these values are pivotal in molding the community’s character and fortitude. “A child is comforted when father and mother are present. Let us all be comforted by the masculine and feminine working together,” says Vishaka devi dasi (ACBSP)1


The ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry is preparing for its 16 Days of Activism for Safer Families campaign, scheduled to run from November 25 to December 10. This initiative is dedicated to nurturing healthy family structures and strengthening community bonds. Radha Dasi, ISKCON International Vaishnavi Minister and graduate of Harvard Law School, delve into the intricate dynamics of family violence, drawing insights from legal, spiritual, and cultural perspectives. Drawing insights from legal, spiritual, and cultural perspectives, she emphasizes the importance of safeguarding the vulnerable, especially women and children. Radha asserts that preserving true human culture requires the protection of these groups and underscores that communities cannot thrive if women are subjected to mistreatment.

The 16 Days of Activism for Safe Families holds a pivotal role in advocating for the eradication of all types of violence within families. It’s an impassioned call to unity, empathy, and substantial change—a heartfelt plea for individuals, organizations, and communities to unite against any form of abuse. Radha strongly emphasizes the widespread nature of this issue, asserting its presence beyond ISKCON, emphasizing that it’s a universal human problem. Reflecting on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna delineates the conduct of a devotee, she underscores the significance of kindness, tolerance, and the rejection of a possessive mindset. According to Radha, embracing these principles is pivotal to preventing abusive behavior, as abuse often originates from a desire to manipulate others. The collaboration of communities in upholding these values is fundamental in combating and eliminating family violence.

The central aim of this campaign is to champion a holistic approach, highlighting the intrinsic link between family safety and the overall well-being of society. Throughout these crucial 16 days, the emphasis will be on fostering dialogues, launching awareness campaigns, and spearheading initiatives that not only prioritize safety and aid survivors but also confront the norms perpetuating violence within families. This endeavor serves as a chance to spark transformation, cultivate empathy, and set the groundwork for a future where every family experiences a sense of security and profound support, crucial elements for societal flourishing. “Children who receive respect and patience learn to respect and be patient,” says Vishaka devi dasi (ACBSP).1

The very heart of a thriving community rests upon the bedrock of robust family values. As Vaishnavas, how we express our family values is an opportunity for us to practically apply Vaishnava values and develop the qualities that endear one to Krishna. Families that uphold mutual respect, foster open communication, and provide unwavering support create individuals who emerge as stalwarts within their communities. These values not only instill a profound sense of responsibility, empathy, and understanding but also nurture individuals who actively contribute to the overall well-being of the collective.

These values act as a beacon for community members, guiding them through both difficult times and moments of prosperity. They foster inclusivity, unity, and a profound feeling of belonging, establishing a robust network where individuals are encouraged to flourish and make meaningful contributions. Moreover, these values play an indispensable role in the transmission of knowledge, traditions, and the rich cultural legacy from one generation to the next, safeguarding the very essence of community identity and unity over time. Communities anchored in these strong family values possess remarkable resilience. They can confront obstacles, grow stronger, and unite under shared principles, displaying a steadfast commitment to each other’s welfare.

Promoting strong family values isn’t solely the duty of individual families; it demands collaboration. Communities that actively endorse and bolster these values through education, mentorship, and inclusive programs fortify their groundwork for a brighter, more unified future. The repercussions of family violence stretch far beyond individual households, leaving a profound impact on the entire community. It fractures the integrity and unity of the community, instilling fear and uncertainty among neighbors and eroding the collective sense of safety. Communities marred by family violence often struggle with increased tension, strained relationships, and an unsettling atmosphere of unease.

Furthermore, the ripple effects of family violence extend deeply into social and economic realms. Communities grappling with such violence often experience heightened pressure on healthcare, law enforcement, and social services. This strain significantly hampers the community’s capacity to flourish and redirect resources towards progress and advancement. Moreover, the individuals residing in these communities might undergo feelings of isolation or stigma, which act as barriers preventing them from seeking the necessary help or support they require.

Combating family violence necessitates a united front within the community. Creating supportive networks, introducing preventive measures, and cultivating a culture that unequivocally rejects violence are crucial strides toward healing. As communities acknowledge the extensive consequences of family violence and collaborate in taking decisive action, they can restore their integrity and build safer, more robust environments for everyone.

Confronting abuse demands courage and a dedication to open discussions. These dialogues stand as pillars of hope and support for abuse survivors. Normalizing these conversations helps dissolve the stigma and shame linked to abuse, enabling early intervention and prevention. They also stimulate societal action, advocating for policy changes and allocating resources for support services. Moreover, these discussions educate individuals on identifying signs of abuse, empowering communities to offer timely aid and protection to those requiring assistance.

The distressing link between the abuse of women and children is a deeply rooted societal challenge. As Vishaka devi dasi (ACBSP) rightly pointed out, “We did not create our children; Krishna did. And it’s primarily their mothers who supervise their development.”1 This connection emphasizes the critical need for a multifaceted approach to combat these intertwined forms of abuse. Children often witness and are affected by the abuse directed at their mothers, whose role as primary caregivers makes them vulnerable. This exposure can have profound long-term effects on children as they grow into adulthood. Research consistently highlights that children raised in environments where women face abuse are at higher risk of enduring various forms of neglect, emotional harm, or even replicating these patterns of abuse as adults.
Efforts to address these intertwined abuses necessitate creating safe havens and resources for women while also implementing specialized programs that prioritize children’s well-being. This comprehensive approach aims not only to support women but also to break the cycle of intergenerational abuse. By focusing on the well-being of both women and children, society can create safer environments that help prevent the perpetuation of abuse across generations.

Acknowledging the trauma that shapes abusers, Radha advocates for prioritizing victims while recognizing the need for perpetrator treatment. She emphasizes that domestic abuse is a spiritual ailment requiring a spiritual solution. Despite the karmic nature of abuse, compassion remains a steadfast duty. Radha urges for a change in societal culture, fostering an environment where abuse is less likely to occur, and resources are available for abusers to understand the root causes of their behaviour.

Ultimately, a community’s resilience is deeply connected to the strength of its families. Embracing and nurturing strong family values helps build resilience, unity, and long-lasting prosperity. It creates a future where everyone feels comfort, encouragement, and a sense of belonging—a testament to the enduring impact of family ties in a flourishing society.

Come join hands with us as we embark on this journey together, knitting a fabric of safety and respect within our families and communities. Let’s unite in making these 16 days a beacon of hope, advocacy, and positive change—a shared dedication to crafting a world where safe, thriving families take root, and violence has no place.

To get more information about the campaign click on the following links



You can also visit the official website of ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry at https://vaishnaviministry.org/about-vaishnavi-ministry/

The emergence of women’s voices in ISKCON: A collection of letters, articles, papers, and conference reports from 1988 to 2020 (P. D. Dasi, Ed.). Bookwrights Press.

Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=112208

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