Tota Gopinatha Mandira
Tota Gopinatha
temple is situated in Yameshvara tota
next to Cataka
Parvata. Towards the south of Yameshvara Mahadeva
temple there is a small forest.
Tota Gopinatha Mandira
Tota Gopinatha Mandira
Gadadhara Pandita would read Bhagavatam every day to Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Once Mahaprabhu came here after taking darshana of Lord Jagannatha, where He saw Lord in his Syamasundara form by seeing he experienced the mood of separation from Krishna; He experienced the same feelings as he would in Vrindavana. He saw Cataka parvata as Govardhana, the ocean as Yamuna, and VataVrksha as Vamshi vata where Krishna played his flute to attract Gopi’s.
One day in same separation mood Mahaprabhu was digging the soil; He suddenly saw the top portion of a deity. He said to Gadadhara, “I have found a most precious thing here. Would you like to accept it?” And then together they removed from the sand a very beautiful deity of Lord Sri Krishna.
Tota Gopinatha
Tota Gopinatha inside the Temple
Main Altar
Balaram with Revati & Varuni in Tota Gopinatha
Temple Hall of Tota Gopinatha
Entering in Knee of Tota Gopinatha
Gaudiya Vaisnavas accept that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ended His manifested pastimes in Jagannatha Puri by entering into the knee of the Tota Gopinatha Deity. If you come in the morning around seven, you can give a donation to see the crack in His knee where Lord Chaitanya entered the Deity and left this world.