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Sadaputa Dasa (Richard L. Thompson) was born in Binghamton, New
York, in 1947. In 1974, he received his Ph.D. in mathematics from
Cornell University, where he specialized in probability theory and
statistical mechanics.As a submissive disciple of His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Sadaputa Prabhu put aside all
of his Western academics in favor of studying the Vedas and
practicing their tenants. However, at the request of his spiritual
master, he agreed to utilize his scientific education and sharp
intellect for supplying supporting evidence to Vedic teachings. He
ventured into many subjects-the soul, consciousness, the spiritual
world, as well as refutations of commonly-held modern theories of
evolution, the Big Bang Theory, etc.He is the author of seven books
and the producer of six videos on science and philosophy, and he
has written many articles for scientific journals and for Back To
Godhead, the magazine of the International Society for Krishna
Consciousness. His most recent book, Maya: The World As Virtual
Reality, introduces a theory that this world is actually a virtual
reality, a theory which can accommodate empirical evidence for many
phenomena that contemporary theories of consciousness cannot. His
previous book, Mysteries of the Sacred Universe, discusses evidence
of advanced astronomical knowledge in India’s ancient texts known
as the Puranas. He has designed exhibits using computer animation
and multimedia techniques to present the Vedic cosmology and the
Vedic world-view to the general populace.