Pranam Tomai Ghanasyam

Song Name: Pranam Tomai Ghana-Syam


praṇām tomāi ghana-śyām


tomār caraṇa śaraṇa kori
abhoy ei bār dāo he hari
duḥkha sāgor jābo tori
tori kori tava nām


āmarā kori ghumāi prabhu
tomār nitya jāgaran
kṣane kṣane ghaṭāo jei bhūl
choke moher āvaraṇ


sei āvaraṇ ghuchao hari
dārāo jugāl mūrti dhori
dekhbo tomāi nayana bhori
pūrṇa kori manuśkām


All obeisances to You, O Ghana-syam!

Taking refuge at Your lotus feet, I fearlessly implore You – this time, O Hari, give me Your mercy! I shall cross the ocean of sorrow by the boat of Your holy name.

O Lord, we are always asleep, while You are ever awake. Every moment we can only make errors, our eyes being covered by illusion.

Please remove this covering, my Lord, so I may behold Your form as the Divine Couple, with Sri Radha by Your side. I will gaze at You until my hankering eyes are pacified, thus fulfilling my soul’s desire. O Ghana-syam! I offer this prayer unto You!