Partha Sarathi Das Goswami

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His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami, was born in Suffolk, England,19 November 1952. During his studies, Maharaj had been endowed with themercy of receiving some of Srila Prabhupada's books. Realizing thefundamental and spiritual significance of these books, Maharaj joinedISKCON, in Bury Place - London, 1973. In 1974, by the mercy of thedevotees, Maharaj had been invited to South Africa to help propagatethe teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Having been inspired by hisspiritual master, Maharaj started the legendary tent campaign. Throughthe years, it has attracted thousands through kirtan, lectures, dramas,and sumptuous prasadam (sanctified food). Partha Sarathi Das GoswamiMaharaj remains one of the pioneers here in South Africa. Presently heis also an initiating guru in ISKCON. His preaching also includes Indiaand Ukraine. Every year Maharaj spends time in the sacred land of LordKrishna, Vrndavan, India to deepen his understanding and the taste forspiritual life and in order to share his realization, he travels tovarious parts of the world to preach the message of the Supreme Lord,Sri Krishna.Visit Website