Katyayani Vrata begins

Chapter Twenty-one contains twenty verses, describing howKrishna entered the forest of Vrindavana in the autumn, playing Hisflute, and how He attracted the gopis, who were singing Hisglories. The Twenty-second Chapter contains thirty-eight verses,describing how the gopis prayed to the goddess Katyayani to obtainKrishna as their husband and how Krishna later stole the garmentsof the gopis while the gopis were bathing in the Yamuna. (A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srimad Bhagavatam 10th CantoSummary.)

Srimad Bhagavatam 10th Canto 22nd Chapter Summary.
by HDG Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Krishna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis

This chapter describes how the marriageable daughters of thecowherd men worshiped Katyayani to get Lord Sri Krishna as theirhusband, and how Krishna stole the garments of the young girls andgave the girls benedictions.
During the month of Margasirsha, every day early in the morning theyoung daughters of the cowherds would take one another’s hands and,singing of Krishna’s transcendental qualities, go to the Yamuna tobathe. Desiring to obtain Krishna as their husband, they would thenworship the goddess Katyayani with incense, flowers and otheritems.
One day, the young gopis left their garments on the shore as usualand began playing in the water while chanting of Lord Krishna’sactivities. Suddenly Krishna Himself came there, took away all thegarments and climbed a nearby kadamba tree. Wanting to tease thegopis, Krishna said, “I understand how fatigued you gopis are fromyour austerities, so please come onto the shore and take back yourclothes.”

The gopis then pretended to become angry and said the cold water ofthe Yamuna was giving them great pain. If Krishna did not give themback their garments, they said, they would inform King Kamsa of allthat had happened. But if He did give the clothes back, they wouldwillingly carry out His orders in the mood of humble servants.
Sri Krishna replied that He had no fear of King Kamsa, and that ifthe girls really intended to follow His command and be Hismaidservants they should each immediately come onto the shore andtake their respective garments. The girls, trembling from the cold,climbed out of the water with their two hands covering theirprivate parts. Krishna, who felt great affection for them, againspoke: “Because while executing a vow you bathed in the waternaked, you have committed an offense against the demigods, and tocounteract it you should offer obeisances with joined palms. Thenyour vow of austerity will achieve its full result.”

The gopis followed this instruction and, folding their hands inrespect, offered obeisances to Sri Krishna. Satisfied, He gave themback their clothing. But the young girls had become so attracted toHim that they could not leave. Understanding their minds, Krishnasaid that He knew they had worshiped Katyayani to get Him as theirhusband. Because they had offered their hearts to Him, theirdesires would never again become tainted by the mood ofmaterialistic enjoyment, just as fried barleycorns can no longergrow into shoots. Next autumn, He told them, their most cherisheddesire would be fulfilled.
Then the gopis, fully satisfied, returned to Vraja, and Sri Krishnaand His cowherd friends went off to a distant place to graze thecows.

Sometime later, when the boys felt disturbed by the great heat ofsummer, they took shelter at the base of a tree that stood justlike an umbrella. The Lord then said that the life of a tree ismost excellent, for even while feeling pain a tree continues toprotect others from heat, rain, snow and so on. With its leaves,flowers, fruits, shade, roots, bark, wood, fragrance, sap, ashes,pulp and sprouts, a tree fulfills the desires of everyone. Thiskind of life is ideal. Indeed, said Krishna, the perfection of lifeis to act with one’s vital energy, wealth, intelligence and wordsfor the benefit of all.
After the Lord had glorified the trees in this way, the entirecompany went to the Yamuna, where the cowherd boys let the cowsdrink the sweet water and also drank some themselves.

SB 10.22.1.
sri-suka uvaca
hemante prathame masi
cerur havishyam bhunjanah

Sukadeva Gosvami said: During the first month of the winter season,the young unmarried girls of Gokula observed the vow of worshipinggoddess Katyayani. For the entire month they ate only unspicedkhichri.

The word hemante refers to the month of Margasirsha—fromapproximately the middle of November to the middle of December,according to the Western calendar. In Volume One, ChapterTwenty-two, of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, SrilaPrabhupada comments that the gopis “first ate havishyanna, a kindof food prepared by boiling together mung dal and rice without anyspices or turmeric. According to Vedic injunction, this kind offood is recommended to purify the body before one enacts aritualistic ceremony.”
SB 10.22.2-3

aplutyambhasi kalindya
jalante codite ‘rune
kritva pratikritim devim
anarcur nripa saikatim

gandhair malyaih surabhibhir
balibhir dhupa-dipakaih
uccavacais copaharaih

My dear King, after they had bathed in the water of the Yamuna justas the sun was rising, the gopis made an earthen deity of goddessDurga on the riverbank. Then they worshiped her with such aromaticsubstances as sandalwood pulp, along with other items both opulentand simple, including lamps, fruits, betel nuts, newly grownleaves, and fragrant garlands and incense.

The word balibhih in this verse indicates offerings of clothing,ornaments, food and so on.

SB 10.22.4
katyayani maha-maye
maha-yoginy adhisvari
nanda-gopa-sutam devi
patim me kuru te namah
iti mantram japantyas tah
pujam cakruh kamarikah

Each of the young unmarried girls performed her worship whilechanting the following mantra. “O goddess Katyayani, O greatpotency of the Lord, O possessor of great mystic power and mightycontroller of all, please make the son of Nanda Maharaja myhusband. I offer my obeisances unto you.”

According to various acaryas, the goddess Durga mentioned in thisverse is not the illusory energy of Krishna called Maya but ratherthe internal potency of the Lord known as Yoga-maya. Thedistinction between the internal and external, or illusory, potencyof the Lord is described in the Narada-pancaratra, in theconversation between Sruti and Vidya:

janaty ekapara kantam
saiva durga tad-atmika
ya para parama saktir

yasya vijnana-matrena
paranam paramatmanah
mahurtad deva-devasya
praptir bhavati nanyatha

ekeyam prema-sarvasva
svabhava gokulesvari
anaya su-labho jneya
adi-devo ‘khilesvarah

asya avarika-saktir
yaya mugdam jagat sarvam
sarve dehabhimaninah

“The Lord’s inferior potency, known as Durga, is dedicated toHis loving service. Being the Lord’s potency, this inferior energyis nondifferent from Him. There is another, superior potency, whoseform is on the same spiritual level as that of God Himself. Simplyby scientifically understanding this supreme potency, one canimmediately achieve the Supreme Soul of all souls, who is the Lordof all lords. There is no other process to achieve Him. Thatsupreme potency of the Lord is known as Gokulesvari, the goddess ofGokula. Her nature is to be completely absorbed in love of God, andthrough Her one can easily obtain the primeval God, the Lord of allthat be. This internal potency of the Lord has a covering potency,known as Maha-maya, who rules the material world. In fact shebewilders the entire universe, and thus everyone within theuniverse falsely identifies himself with the material body.”
From the above we can understand that the internal and external, orsuperior and inferior, potencies of the Supreme Lord arepersonified as Yoga-maya and Maha-maya, respectively. The nameDurga is sometimes used to refer to the internal, superior potency,as stated in the Pancaratra: “In all mantras used to worshipKrishna, the presiding deity is known as Durga.” Thus in thetranscendental sound vibrations glorifying and worshiping theAbsolute Truth, Krishna, the presiding deity of the particularmantra or hymn is called Durga. The name Durga therefore refersalso to that personality who functions as the internal potency ofthe Lord and who is thus on the platform of suddha-sattva, puretranscendental existence. This internal potency is understood to beKrishna’s sister, known also as Ekanamsa or Subhadra. This is theDurga who was worshiped by the gopis in Vrindavana. Several acaryashave pointed out that ordinary people are sometimes bewildered andthink that the names Maha-maya and Durga refer exclusively to theexternal potency of the Lord.

Even if we accept hypothetically that the gopis were worshiping theexternal Maya, there is no fault on their part, since in theirpastimes of loving Krishna they were acting as ordinary members ofsociety. Srila Prabhupada comments in this regard: “The Vaishnavasgenerally do not worship any demigods. Srila Narottama dasa Thakurahas strictly forbidden all worship of the demigods for anyone whowants to advance in pure devotional service. Yet the gopis, who arebeyond compare in their affection for Krishna, were seen to worshipDurga. The worshipers of demigods also sometimes mention that thegopis also worshiped goddess Durga, but we must understand thepurpose of the gopis. Generally, people worship goddess Durga forsome material benediction. Here, the gopis could adopt any means tosatisfy or serve Krishna. That was the superexcellentcharacteristic of the gopis. They worshiped goddess Durgacompletely for one month in order to have Krishna as their husband.Every day they prayed for Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, tobecome their husband.”
The conclusion is that a sincere devotee of Krishna will neverimagine any material quality to exist in the transcendental gopis,who are the most exalted devotees of the Lord. The only motivationin all their activities was simply to love and satisfy Krishna, andif we foolishly consider their activities to be mundane in any way,it will be impossible for us to understand Krishnaconsciousness.

SB 10.22.5
evam masam vratam ceruh
kumaryah krishna-cetasah
bhadrakalim samanarcur
bhuyan nanda-sutah patih

Thus for an entire month the girls carried out their vow andproperly worshiped the goddess Bhadrakali, fully absorbing theirminds in Krishna and meditating upon the following thought: “Maythe son of King Nanda become my husband.”

SB 10.22.6
ushasy utthaya gotraih svair
krishnam uccair jagur yantyah
kalindyam snatum anvaham

Each day they rose at dawn. Calling out to one another by name,they all held hands and loudly sang the glories of Krishna whilegoing to the Kalindi to take their bath.

SB 10.22.7
nadyah kadacid agatya
tire nikshipya purva-vat
vasamsi krishnam gayantyo
vijahruh salile muda

One day they came to the riverbank and, putting aside theirclothing as they had done before, happily played in the water whilesinging the glories of Krishna.

According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, this incidentoccurred on the day the young gopis completed their vow, which wasa full-moon day. To celebrate the successful completion of theirvow, the girls invited young Radharani—the daughter of Vrishabhanuand the special object of their affection—along with otherimportant gopis, and brought them all to the river to bathe. Theirplaying in the water was meant to serve as the avabhritha-snana,the ceremonial bath taken immediately upon the completion of aVedic sacrifice.
Srila Prabhupada comments as follows: “It is an old system amongIndian girls and women that when they take bath in the river theyplace their garments on the bank and dip into the water completelynaked. The portion of the river where the girls and women take bathwas strictly prohibited to any male, and this is still the system.The Supreme Personality of Godhead, knowing the minds of theunmarried young gopis, awarded them their desired objective. Theyhad prayed for Krishna to become their husband, and Krishna wantedto fulfill their desires.”

SB 10.22.8
bhagavams tad abhipretya
krishno yogesvaresvarah
vayasyair avritas tatra
gatas tat-karma-siddhaye

Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and master of allmasters of mystic yoga, was aware of what the gopis were doing, andthus He went there surrounded by His young companions to award thegopis the perfection of their endeavor.

As the master of all masters of mystic power, Lord Krishna couldeasily understand the desires of the gopis, and He could alsofulfill them. The gopis, like all young girls from respectablefamilies, considered the embarrassment of appearing naked before ayoung boy to be worse than giving up their lives. Yet Lord Krishnamade them come out of the water and bow down to Him. Although thebodily forms of the gopis were all fully developed, and althoughKrishna met them in a secluded place and brought them fully underHis control, because the Lord is completely transcendental therewas not a trace of material desire in His mind. Lord Krishna is theocean of transcendental bliss, and He wanted to share His blisswith the gopis on the spiritual platform, completely free ofordinary lust.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that the companions ofKrishna mentioned here were mere toddlers two or three years old.They were completely naked and were unaware of the differencebetween male and female. When Krishna went out to herd the cows,they followed Him because they were so attached to Him that theycould not bear to be without His association.

SB 10.22.9
tasam vasamsy upadaya
nipam aruhya satvarah
hasadbhih prahasan balaih
parihasam uvaca ha

Taking the girls’ garments, He quickly climbed to the top of akadamba tree. Then, as He laughed loudly and His companions alsolaughed, He addressed the girls jokingly.

SB 10.22.10
atragatyabalah kamam
svam svam vasah pragrihyatam
satyam bravani no narma
yad yuyam vrata-karsitah

[Lord Krishna said:] My dear girls, you may each come here as youwish and take back your garments. I’m telling you the truth and amnot joking with you, since I see you’re fatigued from executingaustere vows.

SB 10.22.11
na mayodita-purvam va
anritam tad ime viduh
ekaikasah praticchadhvam
sahaiveti su-madhyamah

I have never before spoken a lie, and these boys know it.Therefore, O slender-waisted girls, please come forward, either oneby one or all together, and pick out your clothes.

SB 10.22.12
tasya tat kshvelitam drishtva
gopyah prema-pariplutah
vriditah prekshya canyonyam
jata-hasa na niryayuh

Seeing how Krishna was joking with them, the gopis became fullyimmersed in love for Him, and as they glanced at each other theybegan to laugh and joke among themselves, even in theirembarrassment. But still they did not come out of the water.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains this verse asfollows:
“The gopis were from most respectable families, and they might haveargued with Krishna: ‘Why don’t You simply leave our clothes on thebank of the river and go away?’
“Krishna might have replied, ‘But there are so many of you thatsome of the girls might take clothes belonging to another.’
“The gopis would reply, ‘We are honest and never steal anything. Wenever touch another’s property.’
“Then Krishna would say, ‘If that’s true, then simply come and getyour clothes. What is the difficulty?’
“When the gopis saw Krishna’s determination, they were filled withloving ecstasy. Although embarrassed, they were overjoyed toreceive such attention from Krishna. He was joking with them as ifthey were His wives or girlfriends, and the gopis’ only desire wasto achieve such a relationship with Him. At the same time, theywere embarrassed to be seen naked by Him. But still they could nothelp laughing at His joking words and even began to joke amongthemselves, one gopi urging another, ‘Go ahead, you go first, andlet us see if Krishna plays any tricks on you. Then we will golater.’ ”

SB 10.22.13
evam bruvati govinde
a-kantha-magnah sitode
vepamanas tam abruvan

As Sri Govinda spoke to the gopis in this way, His joking wordscompletely captivated their minds. Submerged up to their necks inthe cold water, they began to shiver. Thus they addressed Him asfollows.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura gives the following example ofjoking between Krishna and the gopis.
Krishna: O birdlike girls, if you do not come here, then with thesegarments caught in the branches I will make a swing and a hammock.I need to lie down, since I have spent the entire night awake andam now becoming sleepy.
Gopis: Our dear cowherd boy, Your cows, greedy for grass, have goneinto a cave. So You must quickly go there to herd them back on theproper path.

Krishna: Come now, My dear cowherd girls, you must quickly go fromhere to Vraja and perform your household duties. Don’t become adisturbance to your parents and other elders.
Gopis: Our dear Krishna, we will not go home for an entire month,for it is by the order of our parents and other elders that we areexecuting this vow of fasting, the Katyayani-vrata.
Krishna: .My dear austere ladies, I too, by the strength of seeingyou, have now developed a surprising mood of detachment from familylife. I wish to stay here for a month and execute the vow ofdwelling in the clouds. And if you show mercy to Me, I can comedown from here and observe the vow of fasting in your company.
The gopis were completely captivated by Krishna’s joking words, butout of shyness they submerged themselves in the water up to theirnecks. Shaking from the cold, they addressed Krishna asfollows.

SB 10.22.14
manayam bhoh krithas tvam tu
nanda-gopa-sutam priyam
janimo ‘nga vraja-slaghyam
dehi vasamsi vepitah

[The gopis said:] Dear Krishna, don’t be unfair! We know that Youare the respectable son of Nanda and that You are honored byeveryone in Vraja. You are also very dear to us. Please give usback our clothes. We are shivering in the cold water.

SB 10.22.15
syamasundara te dasyah
karavama tavoditam
dehi vasamsi dharma-jna
no ced rajne bruvama he

O Syamasundara, we are Your maidservants and must do whatever Yousay. But give us back our clothing. You know what the religiousprinciples are, and if You don’t give us our clothes we will haveto tell the king. Please!

SB 10.22.16
sri-bhagavan uvaca
bhavatyo yadi me dasyo
mayoktam va karishyatha
atragatya sva-vasamsi
praticchata suci-smitah
no cen naham pradasye kim
kruddho raja karishyati

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: If you girls are actuallyMy maidservants, and if you will really do what I say, then comehere with your innocent smiles and let each girl pick out herclothes. If you don’t do what I say, I won’t give them back to you.And even if the king becomes angry, what can he do?

Srila Prabhupada comments, “When the gopis saw that Krishna wasstrong and determined, they had no alternative but to abide by Hisorder.”

SB 10.22.17
tato jalasayat sarva
darikah sita-vepitah
panibhyam yonim acchadya
protteruh sita-karsitah

Then, shivering from the painful cold, all the young girls rose upout of the water, covering their pubic area with their hands.

The gopis had assured Krishna that they were His eternal servantsand would do whatever He said, and thus they were now defeated bytheir own words. If they delayed any longer, they thought, someother man might come along, and this would be unbearable for them.The gopis loved Krishna so much that even in that awkward situationtheir attachment to Him was increasing more and more, and they werevery eager to stay in His company. Thus they did not even considerdrowning themselves in the river because of the embarrassingsituation.
They concluded that they could do nothing but go forward to theirbeloved Krishna, putting aside their embarrassment. Thus the gopisassured each other that there was no alternative and rose up out ofthe water to meet Him.

SB 10.22.18
bhagavan ahata vikshya
suddha -bhava-prasaditah
skandhe nidhaya vasamsi
pritah provaca sa-smitam

When the Supreme Lord saw how the gopis were struck withembarrassment, He was satisfied by their pure loving affection.Putting their clothes on His shoulder, the Lord smiled and spoke tothem with affection.

Srila Prabhupada comments, “The gopis’ simple presentation was sopure that Lord Krishna immediately became pleased with them. Allthe unmarried gopis who prayed to Katyayani to have Krishna astheir husband were thus satisfied. A woman cannot be naked beforeany male except her husband. The unmarried gopis desired Krishna astheir husband, and He fulfilled their desire in this way.”
For aristocratic girls like the gopis, standing naked before ayoung boy was worse than death, and yet they decided to give upeverything for the pleasure of Lord Krishna. He wanted to see thepower of their love for Him, and He was completely satisfied bytheir unalloyed devotion.

SB 10.22.19
yuyam vivastra yad apo dhrita-vrata
vyagahataitat tad u deva-helanam
baddhvanjalim murdhny apanuttaye ‘mhasah
kritva namo ‘dho-vasanam pragrihyatam

[Lord Krishna said:] You girls bathed naked while executing yourvow, and that is certainly an offense against the demigods. Tocounteract your sin you should offer obeisances while placing yourjoined palms above your heads. Then you should take back your lowergarments.

Krishna wanted to see the full surrender of the gopis, and thus Heordered them to offer obeisances with their palms joined abovetheir heads. In other words, the gopis could no longer cover theirbodies. We should not foolishly think that Lord Krishna is anordinary lusty boy enjoying the naked beauty of the gopis. Krishnais the Supreme Absolute Truth, and He was acting to fulfill theloving desire of the young cowherd girls of Vrindavana. In thisworld we would certainly become lusty in a situation like this. Butto compare ourselves to God is a great offense, and because of thisoffense we will not be able to understand Krishna’s transcendentalposition, for we will wrongly take Him to be materially conditionedlike ourselves. To lose transcendental sight of Krishna iscertainly a great disaster for one trying to relish the bliss ofthe Absolute Truth.

SB 10.22.20
ity acyutenabhihitam vrajabala
matva vivastraplavanam vrata-cyutim
tat-purti-kamas tad-asesha-karmanam
sakshat-kritam nemur avadya-mrig yatah

Thus the young girls of Vrindavana, considering what Lord Acyutahad told them, accepted that they had suffered a falldown fromtheir vow by bathing naked in the river. But they still desired tosuccessfully complete their vow, and since Lord Krishna is Himselfthe ultimate result of all pious activities, they offered theirobeisances to Him to cleanse away all their sins.
The transcendental position of Krishna consciousness is clearlydescribed here. The gopis decided that it was better to renouncetheir so-called family tradition and traditional morality andsimply surrender unto the Supreme Lord Krishna. This does not meanthat the Krishna consciousness movement advocates immoralactivities. In fact, the devotees of ISKCON practice the higheststandard of restraint and morality, but at the same time werecognize the transcendental position of Krishna. Lord Krishna isGod and therefore has no material desire to enjoy young girls insexual affairs. As will be seen in this chapter, Lord Krishna wasnot at all attracted to enjoying the gopis; rather He was attractedto their love and wanted to satisfy them.

The greatest offense is to imitate the activities of Lord Krishna.In India there is a group called prakrita-sahajiya, who imitatethese affairs of Krishna and try to enjoy naked young girls in thename of worshiping Krishna. The ISKCON movement sternly rejectsthis mockery of religion, because the greatest offense is for ahuman being to ludicrously imitate the Supreme Personality ofGodhead. In the ISKCON movement there are no cheap incarnations,and it is not possible for a devotee of this movement to promotehimself to the position of Krishna.

Five hundred years ago Krishna appeared as Lord CaitanyaMahaprabhu, who practiced strict celibacy throughout His studentlife and at the age of twenty-four took sannyasa, a lifelong vow ofcelibacy. Caitanya Mahaprabhu rigidly avoided contact with women inorder to carry out His vow of loving service to Krishna. WhenKrishna personally appeared five thousand years ago, He exhibitedthese wonderful pastimes, which attract our attention. We shouldnot become envious or shocked when we hear that God can performsuch pastimes. Our shock is due to our ignorance, because if wetried to perform these activities our bodies would be afflicted bylust. Lord Krishna, however, is the Supreme Absolute Truth and istherefore never disturbed by any material desire whatsoever. Thus,this incident—in which the gopis gave up normal standards ofmorality and, raising their hands to their head, bowed down incompliance with Krishna’s order—is an example of pure devotionalsurrender and not a discrepancy in religious principles.
In fact, the gopis’ surrender is the perfection of all religion, asSrila Prabhupada describes in Krishna, the Supreme Personality ofGodhead: “The gopis were all simple souls, and whatever Krishnasaid, they took to be true. In order to be freed from the wrath ofVarunadeva, as well as to fulfill the desired end of their vows andultimately to please their worshipable Lord, Krishna, theyimmediately abided by His order. Thus they became the greatestlovers of Krishna, and His most obedient servitors.
“Nothing can compare to the Krishna consciousness of the gopis.Actually the gopis did not care for Varuna or any other demigod;they only wanted to satisfy Krishna.”

SB 10.22.21
tas tathavanata drishtva
bhagavan devaki-sutah
vasamsi tabhyah prayacchat
karunas tena toshitah

Seeing them bow down like that, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,the son of Devaki, gave them back their garments, feelingcompassionate toward them and satisfied by their act.

SB 10.22.22
dridham pralabdhas trapaya ca hapitah
prastobhitah kridana-vac ca karitah
vastrani caivapahritany athapy amum
ta nabhyasuyan priya-sanga-nirvritah

Although the gopis had been thoroughly cheated, deprived of theirmodesty, ridiculed and made to act just like toy dolls, andalthough their clothing had been stolen, they did not feel at allinimical toward Sri Krishna. Rather, they were simply joyful tohave this opportunity to associate with their beloved.

Srila Prabhupada comments, “This attitude of the gopis is describedby Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu when he prays, ‘My dear Lord Krishna,You may embrace Me or trample Me under Your feet, or You may makeMe brokenhearted by never being present before Me. Whatever Youlike, You can do, because You have complete freedom to act. But inspite of all of Your dealings, You are My Lord eternally, and Ihave no other worshipable object.’ This is the attitude of thegopis toward Krishna.”

SB 10.22.23
paridhaya sva-vasamsi
grihita-citta no celus
tasmin lajjayitekshanah

The gopis were addicted to associating with their beloved Krishna,and thus they became captivated by Him. Thus, even after puttingtheir clothes on they did not move. They simply remained where theywere, shyly glancing at Him.

By association with their beloved Krishna, the gopis had becomemore attached to Him than ever. Just as Krishna had stolen theirclothes, He had also stolen their minds and their love. The gopisinterpreted the whole incident as proof that Krishna was alsoattached to them. Otherwise, why would He have gone to the troubleof playing with them in this way? Because they thought that Krishnawas now attached to them, they glanced at Him with shyness, andbeing stunned by the rising of their ecstatic love, they could notmove from where they stood. Krishna had overcome their shyness andforced them to come out of the water naked, but now, having dressedproperly, they again became shy in His presence. In fact, thisincident increased their humbleness before Krishna. They did notwant Krishna to see them staring at Him, but they cautiously tookthe opportunity to glance at the Lord.

SB 10.22.24
tasam vijnaya bhagavan
dhrita-vratanam sankalpam
aha damodaro ‘balah

The Supreme Lord understood the determination of the gopis inexecuting their strict vow. The Lord also knew that the girlsdesired to touch His lotus feet, and thus Lord Damodara, Krishna,spoke to them as follows.

SB 10.22.25
sankalpo viditah sadhvyo
bhavatinam mad-arcanam
mayanumoditah so ‘sau
satyo bhavitum arhati

[Lord Krishna said:] O saintly girls, I understand that your realmotive in this austerity has been to worship Me. That intent ofyours is approved of by Me, and indeed it must come to pass.

Just as Krishna is free of all impure desire, so are the gopis.Their attempt to gain Krishna as their husband was thereforemotivated not by a desire for personal sense gratification but bytheir overwhelming desire to serve Krishna and to please Him.Because of their intense love, the gopis did not see Krishna as Godbut rather as the most wonderful boy in all creation, and beingbeautiful young girls, they desired only to please Him by lovingservice. Lord Krishna understood the pure desire of the gopis andwas thus satisfied. The Lord could certainly not be satisfied byordinary lust, but He was moved by the intense loving devotion ofthe cowherd girls of Vrindavana.

SB 10.22.26
na mayy avesita-dhiyam
kamah kamaya kalpate
bharjita kvathita dhanah
prayo bijaya nesate

The desire of those who fix their minds on Me does not lead tomaterial desire for sense gratification, just as barleycorns burnedby the sun and then cooked can no longer grow into new sprouts.

The words mayy avesita-dhiyam are very significant here. Unless onehas achieved an advanced degree of devotion, one cannot fix themind and intelligence on Krishna, since Krishna is pure spiritualexistence. Self-realization is a state not of desirelessness butrather of purified desire, wherein one desires only the pleasure ofLord Krishna. The gopis were certainly attracted to Krishna in amood of conjugal love, and yet, having fixed their minds and indeedtheir entire existence completely on Krishna, their conjugal desirecould never manifest as material lust; rather, it became the mostexalted form of love of Godhead ever seen within the universe.

SB 10.22.27
yatabala vrajam siddha
mayema ramsyatha kshapah
yad uddisya vratam idam
cerur aryarcanam satih

Go now, girls, and return to Vraja. Your desire is fulfilled, forin My company you will enjoy the coming nights. After all, this wasthe purpose of your vow to worship goddess Katyayani, Opure-hearted ones.

SB 10.22.28
sri-suka uvaca
ity adishta bhagavata
labdha-kamah kumarikah
dhyayantyas tat-padambhojam
kricchran nirvivisur vrajam

Sukadeva Gosvami said: Thus instructed by the Supreme Personalityof Godhead, the young girls, their desire now fulfilled, couldbring themselves only with great difficulty to return to thevillage of Vraja, meditating all the while upon His lotus feet.

The gopis’ desire was fulfilled because Lord Krishna had agreed toact as their husband. A young girl can never spend the night withany man except her husband, and thus when Krishna agreed to engagethe girls in the nocturnal rasa dance during the coming autumnseason, in effect He was agreeing to reciprocate their love for Himin the role of a husband.

SB 10.22.29
atha gopaih parivrito
bhagavan devaki-sutah
vrindavanad gato duram
carayan gah sahagrajah

Some time later Lord Krishna, the son of Devaki, surrounded by Hiscowherd friends and accompanied by His elder brother, Balarama,went a good distance away from Vrindavana, herding the cows.

Having described how Lord Krishna stole the garments of the younggopis, Sukadeva Gosvami now begins introducing the description ofLord Krishna’s blessings upon the wives of some ritualisticbrahmanas.

SB 10.22.30
nidagharkatape tigme
chayabhih svabhir atmanah
atapatrayitan vikshya
druman aha vrajaukasah

Then the sun’s heat became intense, Lord Krishna saw that the treeswere acting as umbrellas by shading Him, and thus He spoke asfollows to His boyfriends.

SB 10.22.31-32
he stoka-krishna he amso
sridaman subalarjuna
visala vrishabhaujasvin
devaprastha varuthapa

pasyataitan maha-bhagan
sahanto varayanti nah

[Lord Krishna said:] O Stoka Krishna and Amsu, O Sridama, Subalaand Arjuna, O Vrishabha, Ojasvi, Devaprastha and Varuthapa, justsee these greatly fortunate trees, whose lives are completelydedicated to the benefit of others. Even while tolerating the wind,rain, heat and snow, they protect us from these elements.

Lord Krishna was preparing to bestow His mercy on the wives of thehard-hearted ritualistic brahmanas, and in these verses the Lordindicates that even trees who are dedicated to the welfare ofothers are superior to brahmanas who are not. Certainly the membersof the Krishna consciousness movement should soberly study thispoint.

SB 10.22.33
aho esham varam janma
sarva -prany-upajivanam
su-janasyeva yesham vai
vimukha yanti narthinah

Just see how these trees are maintaining every living entity! Theirbirth is successful. Their behavior is just like that of greatpersonalities, for anyone who asks anything from a tree never goesaway disappointed.
This translation is quoted from Srila Prabhupada’sCaitanya-caritamrita (Adi 9.46).

SB 10.22.34
tokmaih kaman vitanvate

These trees fulfill one’s desires with their leaves, flowers andfruits, their shade, roots, bark and wood, and also with theirfragrance, sap, ashes, pulp and shoots.

SB 10.22.35
etavaj janma-saphalyam
dehinam iha dehishu
pranair arthair dhiya vaca
sreya-acaranam sada

It is the duty of every living being to perform welfare activitiesfor the benefit of others with his life, wealth, intelligence andwords.

This translation is quoted from Srila Prabhupada’sCaitanya-caritamrita (Adi 9.42).

SB 10.22.36
iti pravala-stabaka-
tarunam namra-sakhanam
madhyato yamunam gatah

Thus moving among the trees, whose branches were bent low by theirabundance of twigs, fruits, flowers and leaves, Lord Krishna cameto the Yamuna River.

SB 10.22.37
tatra gah payayitvapah
su-mrishtah sitalah sivah
tato nripa svayam gopah
kamam svadu papur jalam

The cowherd boys let the cows drink the clear, cool and wholesomewater of the Yamuna. O King Parikshit, the cowherd boys themselvesalso drank that sweet water to their full satisfaction.

SB 10.22.38
tasya upavane kamam
carayantah pasun nripa
krishna-ramav upagamya
kshudh-arta idam abravan

Then, O King, the cowherd boys began herding the animals in aleisurely way within a small forest along the Yamuna. But soon theybecame afflicted by hunger and, approaching Krishna and Balarama,spoke as follows.

Srila Jiva Gosvami explains that the cowherd boys were concernedthat Krishna would be hungry, and thus they feigned their ownhunger so that Krishna and Balarama would make suitablearrangements to eat.

Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine GraceA . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to the Tenth Canto,Twenty-second Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled “KrishnaSteals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis.”