In Kind Donations

Immediate requirement of Vocal USB Microphone for our YouTube videos. 
Currently ISKCON Desire Tree YouTube channel videos are viewed for 100,000+ minutes per day . 
In order to support this substantial YouTube outreach, we immediately need atleast 2 units of following item each costing Rs. (18,500/-).
This is for the purpose of getting new Video/Audio Recordings. 
While ordering please mention following office address for delivery:
B02, Dhruva, Sector 2, Srishti Mira Road (east) Dist: Thane, Pin - 401 107
Further every month we will need 2 units of 4 TB external drives sustain our production.
The hard drives will 100% be used in service of Srila Prabhupada's mission.
In case you want to donate partly than contact - 
Please forward it others too as this is for Service of Srila Prabhupada.