Hari He Doyala Mora

Hari He Doyala Mora

hari he dayala mora jaya radha-natha

bara bara e-i bara laha nija satha

bahu yoni bhrami natha la-inu sarana

nija gune kripa kara adhama-tarana

jagata-tarana tumi jagata-jibana

toma chada kara nahi he radha-ramana

bhubana-mangala tumi bhubanera pati

tumi upekshile natha ki ha-ibe gati

bhabiya dekhinu e-i jagata majhare

toma bina keha na-i e rame uddhare


O master of Radha! All glory to You! O Lord Hari! Please be merciful to me! Again and again and again I
beg: Please accept me as one of Your associates!

O Lord, wandering in this world, I took shelter of many different wombs. O deliverer of the fallen, please
be merciful to me.

You are the savior of the worlds. You are the life of the worlds. O Lord Radha-ramana, please do not turn
away from me.

You are the auspiciousness of the worlds. You are the master of the worlds. What will happen to persons
who turn from You?

I have carefully observed this world. O Lord, none but You can deliver this Rama dasa.

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