Ek Din Santipure

Song Name: Ek Din Santipure
Official Name: Prasad-Sevaya 2
(Songs for the Honoring of Spiritual Food)

Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali (Section: Prasada Sevaya Song 2)


ek-dina santipure, prabhu advaitera ghare,
dui prabhu bhojane bosilo
sak kori' asvadana, prabhu bole bhakta-gana,
ei sak krsna asvadilo

heno sak-asvadane, krsna-prema dise mane,

sei preme koro asvadana
jada-buddhi pari-hari', prasada bhojana kori',
'hari hari' bolo sarva-jan


O brothers! One day at Sri Advaita's house in santipura, the two Lords-Caitanya and Nityananda-were seated for lunch. Lord Caitanya tasted the green leafy vegetable preparation and addressed the assembly of His devotees, "This sak is so delicious! Lord Krsna has definitely tasted it.

"At the taste of sak like this, love of Krsna arises in the heart. In such love you should taste these remnants. Giving up all materialistic conceptions and taking the Lord's prasad, all of you just chant `Hari! Hari!'"