By Bhaktivedanta Hospital – Diet
•Milk…………………………………. 3 ½ liters
•Lemon juice…………………………. 1 ½ tbsp
•Almonds…………………………….. 5-6
•Pistachios……………………………. 7-8
•Sugar…………………………………1 ¼ cups
•Rose water…………………………... 1 tsp
1.Boil one and a half liter of milk in a pan. Add lemon juice
just when it comes to a
boil and let it curdle. Separate the chenna (curdled milk)
from the whey using a
cheese cloth and colander and let it cool slightly. Then knead
it thoroughly.
Boil one and a half liter of milk in a pan. Add lemon juice
just when it comes to a
boil and let it curdle. Separate the chenna (curdled milk)
from the whey using a
cheese cloth and colander and let it cool slightly. Then knead
it thoroughly.
2.Blanch almonds and pistachios in one cup of boiling water.
Drain, peel and chop
Blanch almonds and pistachios in one cup of boiling water.
Drain, peel and chop
3.Bring remaining two liters of milk to a boil, reduce heat
and let it simmer till
reduced to half.
Bring remaining two liters of milk to a boil, reduce heat and
let it simmer till
reduced to half.
4.AAdd dd sug sugar ar anand d nunuts ts anand d cocook ok
titill ll sug sugar ar disso dissolves. lves.
5.AAdd dd che chenna nna,, mmix ix wwell ell anand d sim
simmer mer ffor or ano another ther teten n min minutes.
6.Rem Remove ove fro from m heheat at anand d adadd d rorose
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