
This Island is represents the devotional process of Atma Nivedanam, full surrender to the Lord. Antardvipa is the central island of Navadvipa, situated on the eastern bank of Ganga. The circumference of this island is the ten miles. Antardvipa is the first island visited during the Navadvipa dhama Parikrama. Yogapitha, where the Lord Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu appeared, is located here. Antardvipa is compared to Gokula Mahavana of Vraja Mandal where Lord Sri Krishna took birth.

Non Different from Gokula

The petal (island) of Antardvipa in the lotus flower of Navadvipa-dhama is non-different from Gokula of Vrndavana. And in the center of Antardvipa is Mayapur, which is non-different from Mahavana forest, the center of Gokula. It is the smallest island and is in the center, just as the stamen of a lotus flower is the smallest part of the flower and rests in the center.

Antardvipa’s Secret Revelation

Antar means ‘secret’ and dvipa means ‘island’ and this island is where Krishna revealed His internal secret feeling about His future appearance as Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Once Lord Brahma saw Krishna a small cowherd boy, kill Aghasura, a demon so powerful that even the demigods fled in fear of him. Brahma then saw Aghasura’s soul merge into Krishna’s body. After this, Krishna sat down with His cowherd boyfriends to take Prasadam together.  At first Brahma was thinking Krishna was his worship-able Lord, Lord Narayana, but when he Saw Krishna taking the prasadam given to Him by His friends, Brahma knew this definitely was not Narayana.


      To test who Krishna actually was, Brahma stole the cowherd boys and calves and hid them in a cave. Krishna, however, replaced everyone by expanding Himself into all the calves and cowherd boys. Brahma ji was confused. He had just hidden the cowherd boys and calves in a cave, but was again seeing them all with Krishna. Krishna  then revealed to Lord Brahma ji  that they actually His Vishnu expansions, and, on seeing this, Brahma ji  realized Krishna was indeed his worshipable Lord Narayana and that he had made great offense.

Lord Brahma surrendered to Krishna offering many prayers. Although Krishna forgave him and told him there was nothing to worry about, Brahma still regretted his mistake. He came here and performed austerities to attain the grace of Lord Caitanya.

Lord Brahma became overwhelmed and fell unconscious upon seeing Caitanya Mahaprabhu's most Resplendent golden form. Regaining his senses, Brahma requested Gaurasundara that he is allowed to appear in His next pastimes and that he also take a low birth. This way he would become humble and not again fall victim to pride. Lord Caitanya granted Brahma his request by saying he would appear in a Muslim family and become Haridasa Thakura, the nama-acdrya famous for his humility and chanting 300,000 names of Krishna every day.

Lord Caitanya continued, "Brahma, heard these secret (antar) words but do not reveal them openly in the scriptures. Taking the role of a devotee, I will taste the nectar of Bhakti Rasa and propagate the rarest process of Sankirtana. I will make the devotees of all the previous Avataras drunk with the nectar of Vrindavana. The love that Sri Radhika possesses is beyond My experience, so I will appear with Her sentiments and complexion. Taking the position of Radha, I will taste that happiness that only Radha obtains in serving Me. From today act as My disciple and, in the form of Haridasa, always serve Me."
Place to visit on this island are:

1. Sri Mayapur Candrodoya Mandir Antardvipa (Atma-nivedanam)

2. Yogapitha (Birth place of Lord Gauranga)
 3. Srivasa Angana and khol-banga-danga
 4. Sri Advaita Bhavana
 5. Sri Gadadhara Angana

6. Balal-dighi (Prithu-kunda), Laxmana Sena’s Place
 7. Sri Caitanya Matha
 8. Bharadvaja Tila

9. Murari Gupta Sripata
 10. Sridhara Angana and Nandan Acharya’s House

11. Ghatas