Official Name: Sri Sri Krsna Candrastakam
Author: Krsnadasa Kaviraja
Book Name: Govinda Lilamrta (Section: Suka Sari Stava Lila)
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
ballavīṣu vardhitātma-gūḍha-bhāva-bandhanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
gopīkasu netra-koṇa-bhāva-vṛnda-gandhanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
rādhikorasīha lepa eṣa hari-candanaḥ
svāńghri-dāsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaḥ
aṣḍakena yas tv anena rādhikā-suvallabhaṁ
saṁstavīti darśane 'pi sindhujādi-durlabham
taṁ yunakti tuṣta-citta eṣa ghoṣa-kānane
1) His abundantly beautiful complexion belittles the splendor of combined rain clouds, black eye
cosmetics, and sapphires. His garments appear effulgent like a rising sun tinted like kunkum
powder enhanced by shining bolts of lightning. His perfectly-formed limbs are anointed with
sandalwood paste mixed with camphor and saffron. May Sri Krsna, the Son of the king of the
cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.
2) He wears shark-shaped earrings that dance very expertly upon His cheeks. The beauty of the orb of
His face destroys the pride of the multitude of moons and lotus flowers. He causes the knot of His
own secret ecstatic love-moods to increasingly tighten amongst the gopis. May Sri Krsna, the Son of
the king of the cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.
3) He is eternally engaged in designing ever-fresh variations of His youthful form, mode of dress,
and loving pastimes. He is surrounded by the assembly of His cowherd boyfriends, who excel in giving
Him delight by their playful joking words. Even a single brilliant ray of splendor from His personal
pleasure-forest defeats the heavenly Nandana gardens of Lord Indra. May Sri Krsna, the Son of the king
of the cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.
4) He is delighted by the friendship of His devotees, whose consciousness is decorated with
golden ornaments of pure love for Him. He is praised by great demigods who protect various planets in
the universe and who offer obeisances to Him by touching their foreheads to the ground. He honors
the brahmanas with great reverence at specific times of the day. May Sri Krsna, the Son of the king of
the cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.
5) He easily removed the pride of Indra as well as the violent anger of Kaliya, and He killed the demons
like Kamsa and Vatasura. With the rainfall of these variegated pastimes, He nourishes the chataka
birds who are His devotees. By performing His pastimes of heroic nature, He delights the residents of
His own cowherd community. May Sri Krsna, the Son of the king of the cowherd men, grant me the
service of His own lotus feet.
6) He satisfies Sri Radhika and the other gopis with the nectar of the sportive rasa dance performed in
the groves of Vrndavana. During the various intrigues of those amorous pastimes, He devises many
playful jokes to sustain the assmebly of gopis. He thus delights the minds of all people in the universe
by the glory of His loving pastimes. May Sri Krsna, the Son of the king of the cowherd men, grant me
the service of His own lotus feet.
7) By revealing His pastimes of festive rasa dance, He also shows the eternal path of His pure
devotional service. By His amazing beauty and fascinating mode of dress, He churns the minds of a
vast multitude of cupids. Through the outer corners of His eyes, He casts sidelong glances, aimed at
the gopis, that give hints of a host of affectionate ecstatic moods. May Sri Krsna, the Son of the king of
the cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.
8) He becomes excited with desire by suddenly touching Sri Radhika while She is busy picking
flowers. Then He becomes jubilant when He sees Her charming face decorated with the contrariness
of pure love. Verily He is the sandlewood paste that decorates Radhika’s breasts. May Sri Krsna, the Son
of the king of the cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.
9) It is very difficult for Laksmi Devi and other exalted gods and goddesses to attain even a glimpse of
Sri Krsna, who is very dear to Sri Radhika. But if someone glorifies Him by reciting these eight verses
with full attention, then He who is delighted by the intimate of association with Radhika’s limbs will
become pleased with that person and engage them in the service of His own lotus feet within the
cowherd forests of Goloka Vrndavana.
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